by Mary 34 Replies latest jw friends


    MARY -- hang-in there as I am being told with my diabetic blisters and edema, etc. I am also doing my homework on the web, etc. AND MY DAUGHTER LISA is a love doing errands while I sit here with my legs levated..I do not deserve her but I got her anyway...(((((((HUGS)))) to you as well.QUEENIE

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mary, I had endometriosis. I had a hysterectomy at 28. I too wasn't able to have children. That was a long time ago....I'm 42 now and I feel better than ever. I was in and out of the hospital for years, so I can kinda understand what you're going through.

    Get a second opinion, and don't let the doctors be the one to make your decisions. You hang in there girl....this does not mean the end! =;o)

    Email me anytime, okay?

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cyber Hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • Mary

    Thank you so much everyone for your support and comments. I didn't realize how many others here either have cancer, or had cancer at one point in their lives. I'm probably still in the "shock" stage.......I'm better today (only cried once) that the last three days and have had alot of support from my family and friends and co-workers.

    I'm stunned at what Bluesapphire said: her insurance wouldn't cover the necessary treatment, only The Pill! Unbelievable!! It was my stupid doctor AND the gynocologist who came up with the brain-storming idea to put me on The Pill even though an ultra-sound showed I had a fibroid tumour there. I was ASSURED that it was benign and wouldn't grow. Assholes.

    I haven't even told my GP that I have cancer. Forget it. I'm transferring doctors and I'll get all my medical records sent. If the moron doesn't know I have cancer, then he's not going to destroy documents. If I recover from this, I'm suing his sorry ass off for being such an incompetent moron.

    I've gone to see a Naturopath as I have little faith left in mainstream medicine at the moment. She gave me more encouragement and hope than any regular doctor has. She's given me some homeopathic medicine and I'll start that tonight.

    Once again, thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate it and I'll let you know what happens.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Mary,

    I'am greatly saddned by your diagnosis.

    Please seek a second medical opinion - don't settle just for one solely medical opinion! I would not trust a medical doctor who had been negligent about my plea to investigate my body's warning symptoms.

    My prayers are with you.

    Warm hugs.


  • Mary

    Just to clarify for everyone: it wasn't my GP who told me I had cancer, it was a specialist who did some tests and sent some sampling tissue off for diagnosis. I still may ask for a second opinion though.......

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