What is God doing?

by Kagloo 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outoftheorg

    Hello Kagloo.

    Read your post and find it interesting. Sorry that you have had such a string of heart rending incidents. It seems sometimes that life likes to kick us when we are down already with another loss.

    I agree somewhat with SS and his take on things. I feel sure that there is a creator that created the universe and all things in it. I am not convinced that the bible or other sources describe him accurately. It is my belief that humans have always wanted God to be like their dream of the very best human father. One that would look after them personally and protect them. Which is what a good human father does. It seems apparent to me that God is not protecting us as individuals because of the very things you found happening in your life.

    The bible refers to the situation of "time and circumstance" and I feel that describes what happens to people,and our concept of God is why we can not accept a God letting these things happen. It is my opinion that since we are not capeable of of understanding God, we use what we do know and understand to describe him. Ourselves.

    I have struggled with the same things you are and I know I still do not have any real grasp on these issues and why these happen. I don't believe the real or self proclaimed heavy thinkers have a grasp on these things either.

    I deal with it this way. Life is life and I have very little control over what happens. I do my best at the time, grieve the losses, revel in the gains and successes, enjoy mylife and carry on.

    Best wishes to you all. Outoftheorg

  • LyinEyes

    I am very sorry for all of your loses Kagloo, you have been thru some terrible things.

    I have to say when I saw this post , it happens to be some of the same things I ask myself. Not understanding why God, after all these thousands of years has put up with such things as what is happening to the children, is hard for me to understand. It has rocked my faith, I have almost lost all hope in God. I can see why some don't believe He exsist. I don't know if it is my upbringing , being JW my whole life, or just wanting to believe in God, but I think deep down I believe in God. I honestly couldnt stake my own life on what I believe. I am in a constant state of confusion. But I am afraid to speak disrespectfully of Him, even when I get angry at why he isnt doing anything. Somewhere inside me there must be something in my heart that makes me believe. Maybe I believe because I just want to so bad. But even that is not good enough. I have fooled myself before. The things I have been thru with the WT has destroyed my trust in almost everything. I am sure of one thing, God is not the God the WT says he is. I don't think the Bible is accurate in its description of God and His motives on what happened in those days. I think man interpreted why THEY thought God meant by the things that happend, and maybe things that were written were like stories passed thru the years and things got added until it was way off. I don't know.

    I left the borg a year ago, so I am still on my journey to find God again. I am very afraid that I will not find him. I have a little hope left and some faith, not much at all. I know this because, when my son played his first football game this year, I prayed. Just a short prayer. But then I feel silly, why didnt God hear the prayers of the people who were dying in the WTC? WHy doesnt he hear the prayers of the children being molested? WHy doesnt he hear the prayers of all the people around the world who are sufferering? So to pray for my son, was just wishful thinking. But I had to give it a shot.

    I wish that what I learned as a JW was true. I wish for a paradise earth, to live forever with our families and be at peace. I havent totally ruled that out as what could happen. But I know that there will be others , not just JW's , there that is for sure.

    Maybe we go to heaven. That might be good too, i have never seen what heavenly life is like , but if our families are there, I would love that.

    Maybe, God allows us to live our time on earth and then we die, period. We turn to dust and never awaken at all.

    Maybe there is no God. I want to believe, thou.

  • Kagloo

    LYIN EYES...

    ( Great Song! I love The Eagles stuff!)


    I am a pretty emotional guy ( I cried when I watched ET !) and your post REALLY touched me. I am sad that you have left the organisation... ( I love this BORG thing !!! What does it mean?)

    For my part I am sticking with it for as long as it takes but as an invisible member (see some of my other posts)

    I feel safe this way... a bit like a shy kid in a classroom. I do answer sometimes and everyone says that they wished I was more involved.. but I am damaged... I know i am... and I really can't take the pressure anymore... even if I wanted to do.

    I do go on the ministry... but I only take my Bible and use it to tell people about Jesus and what he promised and what great guy he was. And hey.. I seem to be doing okay....

    You seem to sad and confused... and that makes me sad for you. Tonight when I talk to Jehovah I will specifically talk to him about you and your son.

    You say that you are on a journey to find God again.... Today I went for a walk of ten miles... just because I wanted to... I often just take off and walk and walk and walk... I sometimes think that I am trying to walk away from myself....! but after Ten miles I realised that I just wanted to be at home so I turned around and caught a bus ( Hey come on... my feet were killing me!) and I came home.

    I should have been at the meeting really!

    Some of the most important journeys we make are the ones with a return ticket! I think that sometimes it's us that give up on ourselves rather than Jehovah giving up on us....

    Keep your chin up.... take care of the boy.... I am thinking about you!

  • TTBoy

    With our new technological age there is exponential leaps in knowledge and achievements. I hope I live to see the day we find other intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. Think how much we've gained in the last 30 years - even the last 10. Look at the achievements in the last 100 years in science, medicine, comunication, genetics........there was no internet in the 70's.

    Will we ever travel faster than the speed of light?

    There is some research going on from some scientists on anti-gravity. They were from Russia. NASA has taken in interest in this.

    We don't use horses as our main source of transportation.

    Satellites - we went to the moon.

    Who knows what people will yet achieve. I think about that instead of "is there a God". I can't understand God so I won't try.

    Some positive thoughts


  • Kagloo


    All this scientific stuff really excites me!

    Like you I look at the 'progress' made in the last 100 years and it just blows me away. And knowing that the rate of discovery and innovation is expedential it doesn't take much to fathom out that if we survive for the next 100 years without a mass extinction due to our stupidity of some other cause.. well....who knows where we might be!

    I find it interesting too that they have discovered the remains of civilisations on the seabeds all over the world. I guess they would be the remains of the cities etc. that existed before the Flood. Obviously people would have lived on lower ground then and when the water came it drowned them and their civilisations... The interesting thing is though that these remains indicate that the builders and inhabitants were massively more advance than we are now... well in their building techniques anyway... So is that why they had to be stopped... quite apart from the 'scriptural' reasons for wiping the world of that time away ( you know... the Nephelim etc.) perhaps they were so advanced that they were 'moving to fast' and had to be slowed down a bit! I don't know.. what do you think?

    And just touching on the @God' part of your comments... I personally have no problem with having God in the equation. For me it seems logical that intelligent offspring (i.e.us!) would have an intelligent creator... but that's just my point if view.

  • funkyderek
    A Universal law...... Cause and Effect.

    I see effects all around me every single day...Life is all it's abundance and complexityand beauty. So what is the Cause? The Law in Universal.. it can't be sidestepped or ignored. And all the 'rabid' (to use your own vocabulary) comments that you spit out can't alter it!

    For every effect there HAS to be a cause!

    As proof of the existence of a god, the above hypothesis has a major flaw. If everything has a cause, then what caused god? If you can accept a god as the "First Cause", the exception to your "Universal Rule", then why couldn't you just take it forward one step and postulate a causeless Universe, either one that was always there or one that sprang into existence from nothing?

  • PurpleV

    God created people with freedom of choice.

    Some choose good, others choose evil.

    If God were to step in each and every time an evil was to be perpetrated on another, He'd be intervening constantly. If He did that, if God prevented all evil and horrors, then in effect we would no longer be free but micromanaged by God, and I suspect He has better things to do than that. I don't think He wanted a SIM.

  • Sentinel

    This is an important thread, because it really makes us think.

    I've always wondered about things when there is war or great tragedies. People praying to their god that they will win/survive, and thinking once they do, that it was the "will" of their god.

    There is so much more going on in the Universe than what is happening on this planet. So much more. The creators of the universe may have given some instructions to their earthly overseers, (our gods, if you will) but, man has always done his own thing his own way. In times when "gods" may have intervened, religions were formed by men to control men, all in the name of serving this or that "god".

    I am skeptical about whether one true god exists. And, I know that because of what I've seen happening around me my whole life, that whomever, or whatever may have been in some control for a period of time, is no longer in control. The earth exists, and I'm thankful for that. Bad things happen to good people and innocent children. It is not a personal thing. There is an equality to the inequality of it all. No one seems to receive special consideration.

    I do however, believe in the journey of the individual soul, where all things endured or experienced in each lifetime brings the soul closer to the creator, to a place of enlightenment, of spiritual oneness with the universe. How many times have we bemoaned our sad and unhappy life's experiences, only to realize that had we not gone through these very things, we would not be the person we are today.

    This is spiritual growth. This helps us to cope and understand with the injustice of circumstances we cannot control.

    Love and Light,


  • Faraon
    God created people with freedom of choice.

    Some choose good, others choose evil

    If this is so, why is it that in the bible he murdered so many people when they chose to do different to its norms?

  • Crazy151drinker


    God is having fun up there. RELAX! There is nothing you can do about it! Just behave and everything will work out in the end. If you trully believe in the Lord and the Paradise he promises, then you shouldnt be worried that your loved ones are dying.

    So, kick back, watch some football, throw away your NWT, and have a BEER.

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