Do not you believe in the power of prayer?
No, I never felt God was listening to me or answering me, not even through all my years as a JW. Never felt a thing.
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If so why?
No. I'm married to an Englishman. That holiday means nothing to English people, and I don't really see the point. :)
Do you believe a law of reciprocity (reaping what you sow) exists? If so who or what enforces these laws?
I think you reap what you sow. I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with God, though. There are consequences to every action. For every action, there is a reaction.
Do you agree with the following concept?
Physical man and spirit man are two distinct entities integrated into one creature known as a hu/man or a man of the humus. Human is also known as earthling man. Both these distinct enities each in a beficial parasitic relationship with ne another. They ae housed in a body which is the vehicle for taveling through the earh experience.
They feed off each other in order to create life and all its experiences. Do you recognize what is being spoken of at 2 Corinthians as the physical (carnal) man vs. the spiritual man. The physical man ignores his spiritual heritage as a son of God in his likeness whereas the spiritual anccepts it and Godas his father.
I don't really think I believe that. I am borderline agnostic/athiest now.
Are any emotions positive or negative unique to the individual or are the shared universlly?It is a shocking fact that as Gods Little Computer People we are all connected together with all spirit creatures and God. It is on kind of a invisible LAN network that we all can access with the right clearances and passwords.
It is amazing how on Talk shows the whole world can tap into hurt, joy, or love being expressed. All emotions good and bad are out there invisible like radio waves. We receive the emotions we are tuned into in many ways. Can you see this is true? These emotions are all spirits having personality. I am certain this is why ancient civilization developed there were individual Gods for every emotion. In a sense there exists just that.
*** I don't think I follow you. That didn't make sense to me. :)