Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • Trauma_Hound

    Umm guys hate to tell you this but sworeoffjah is not swordofjah, and sworeoffjah was being funny, imatating the latter.

  • butalbee

    Okay to get things back on topic:

    Damn right I went sex crazy, sex, sex, sex is all I wanted, Oh man, I was a nympho I tell ya, day and night, that's all I thought about, all I think about, sex, sex, sex.

  • buffy


    Way to go girl. That's what I'm talking about. Glad to know I'm not the only one. And, I know I had a blast doing it, I'm sure you did too.


  • scuba99

    Hiya Buffy,

    I'm in Mississippi so I guess we never "ran into each other" in the past.=) You did raise an interesting subject I must say.:D

  • Vivamus

    LOL. I read the topic of this threath, SEX. So, as I have a mind that is constantly in the gutter, I naturally clicked on this topic. Geesh, what a discussion was hiding underneath....

    Regarding SEX. Yes, I did went, and still am a bit wild. But not much. Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll, but unfortunatly, NOT on a daily basis. Lol.

  • pincushion

    When I was studying with the sisters, and they were giving me 'the talk' on sex, I thought how boring when they said we must be submissive to our husbands, and just have plain ordinary sex. I guess that should have been my warning to stay away...but nooooooooo..I had to get baptized. No damn wonder they go around molesting their children...the missionary postition get pretty old and they need to excite themselves I guess. Sad, so sad.

    I figure the wilder the sex the better the relationship. As long as you are faithful to your mate, why not experiment and try all angles and types of sex with each other.

  • DeProgram

    Wow! My Phone # is 555-2450 if any of you girls just got a get out of Jaw card and want to try out your wings, but anyway theres a little something about sword of jaw everyone obviosly doesn't get, only a trained professional can spot one, thats right he gets off on verbal abuse and masterbates to it, you all just made him a very happy man.

  • Cicatrix

    Hi Buffy,

    Some people call it going wild, I call it giving myself permission to explore my sexuality and deciding which perameters I can live in.And it varies over time from very wild to barely simmering.That's what makes it so much fun:)

    Keep smilin' and enjoying your life.

    By the way, how do you get to that ignore button?

  • LucidSky

    I'd say I've gotten wild, especially in comparison to my JW persona. I'm not done yet either! Anyone have guilt/conscience issues to deal with at first?

  • back2dafront

    Awww man! This was my first troll experience. I couldn't help but relate to the way Sword was talking in circles without ever really answering a question. (relate in the sense of hearing the same type of circular reasoning from current dubs)

    How is it all Witnesses reason the way they do? How can they overlook things that are so plain to everyone else in the WORLD? You don't wait for Jehovah in the case of a murder, so how is child molestation is any different?!?! It's a CRIME for God's sake, not some petty sin.

    The rule should be: If a brother or sister is accused of molestation, the matter should be turned over to the authorities IMMEDIATELY.

    The END. They're trying to be the police in this regard to protect their asses, and it's going to come back and haunt them. It already is.

    so sad, so sad....

    in regards to sex, i went a little wild, but not much. I'm in my third serious relationship in 4 years, so i didn't have much time to play around a whole lot. It's all good though, I'm happily in love and more than satisfied!!! In fact, my neck hurts right now....

    (yes, that's why)

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