Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • VeniceIT

    hahahaahhaha whoohooo at least I'm not on Engs Iggy list, yet that is........

    And man I'm making a fortune on that Troll Food


  • larc


    If everyone "waited on Jehovah", the world would be over run with rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, dictators, etc, etc, etc. If everyone "waited on Jehovah", no deseases would be cured. My dear wife is receiving excellent care in the hospital, recovering from a stroke, so I am not in a real good mood about your telling us to "wait on Jehovah".

  • expatbrit

    If waiting on Jehovah is such a good thing, why does the Watchtower Society have so many lawyers?


  • SworeOffJah

    out: Certainly that is one easy case, in that I can simply say it would not be appropriate to comment on that case since I do not know all of the details, nor what went on during the elders investigation of the case. Of course, not knowing the details doesn't stop me from commenting on other cases and generalizing the whole situation in to one simple conclusion; nor does it prevent my setting up a straw man to fight so that I can avoid facing the real situation; but that's the nature of sanctimonious self-appointed overseers of purity like me.

    I do not consider myself a fool for waiting on Jehovah; that should demonstrate to you the depth of my delusion. Jesus waited on Jehovah (except when he didn't), and God knows I'm going to make the comparison to myself here so that all of you (most especially me) can see how humble and holy and pure I really am. Jesus did have the power to take care of all his accusers and those that assassinated him. He could have had them any day. He only let them go so long out of kindness, I suppose.

    Really you should not minimize my faith or the faith of any other Witnesses. It's minimal enough on its own; but it's all we have. I'm by far the humblest and holiest guy here, and damn proud of it, too!

    If the organization went in a contrary way of Jehovah's will, then I know he would not look upon them in favor. For example, if they ever accept traditions of men and teach lies, I'll accept those lies because they're the ones who taught them, just the same as I accept that Jehovah's will is whatever they say it is. It's a catch-22, of course, and my loyalty to those murderous monsters will win out over any twinge of conscience I might ever have. In the end, we have to have faithful to the Watchtower and its word.

  • Swan

    Dear Buffy,

    You asked;

    Ok, question for all the non Dubs. Am I the only one who went totally wild (sexually) when I got df'd?

    I'm a non Dub, but I never went totally wild sexually. I pretty much stayed the same. I did do a few things, but nothing really wild and crazy; no scat, no water sports, no S&M or anything like that. I did hang out with some other people who were into some "interesting" stuff, but that wasn't for me.

    I think I just couldn't get into it due to some childhood issues. It actually took my husband and me a long time to work through those issues. He was very loving and patient with me.


  • Valis


    District Overbeer

  • becky boo
    becky boo
    I'm by far the humblest and holiest guy here, and damn proud of it, too!

    This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.

    Edited by - becky boo on 24 September 2002 21:57:57

  • Swan

    Welcome Becky Boo!

  • out4good3

    If the organization went in a contrary way of Jehovah's will, then I know he would not look upon them in favor.

    Then by that statement you can only come to one of either of two conclusions with regard to the WT association with the UN. That either it was Jehovah's will that the WT fornicates with the Wild Beast or that Jehovah no longer looks faviorably upon them. I tend to believe the latter since there's no expectation of the WT telling the rank and file that Jehovah has once again changed his mind on any matter thus producing even more "new light".

    Aren't you concerned about your so-called "spirituality" being here on this apostate board?

    When you first came into this thread you came in guns blazing spraying the place with your righteous indignation. But you already seem to be backtracking.

    Stick around here much longer and you'll get more unfiltered information about the WT than you know what to do with.

  • SworeOffJah
    This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.

    Stay tuned. I'm hardly even started yet.

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