Please Accept My Most Heartfelt..........

by Englishman 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Recently, I have had a few occasions when it's been neccessary - no, essential - that I say sorry to someone for something that I have said or done, in order that someone's hurt feelings are healed.

    It doesn't make me feel demeaned at all when I say sorry, I don't feel any less of a person because I have apologised, although I am aware that some people find it almost impossible to apologise.

    What do you think? Is it a sign of weakness to apologise? Is apologising a desirable thing? Would it be a good thing for us all to apologise more? Once an apology has been made, should that be the end of the matter or should the apologiser be kept aware of his misdoings until such time as the apologisee sees fit?

    I'd be interested to hear what people think about this.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I think sincere apologies show character. They're not easy for humans to do and they indicate a person has class.

  • pettygrudger

    you always here "real love means never having to say your sorry", but i say bull to that. It takes a lot of courage to admit one is wrong, and it shows true consideration of anothers feelings to vocally acknowledge a mistake.

  • butalbee

    If you were wrong and you comments hurt somebody's feelings, apologize.

    BTW--Eman--I just noticed your little dancing piggy--I just wanted to say KEWL! Where'd ya find it?

  • Englishman


    You like my little piggy? I got him at: There's lots of stuff if you wade through the site.

  • plmkrzy
    should that be the end of the matter or should the apologiser be kept aware of his misdoings until such time as the apologisee sees fit?

    Oh absolutely! The apologizeee should hold the apologizer's apology ransom and maybe even use it to blackmail the apologizer at a later time.

    IMO, once an apology has been made, the one apologized to would be gracious to accept it and get on with there life.

    If they persist in throwing something in your face after that then it should be obvious they are just plain disgruntled and not much will be done about it and thats that!

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 25 September 2002 11:39:27

  • Sentinel


    I think it takes a strong person to apologize in the most heartfelt and sincere manner.

    As with many things humans do, some of us tend to quickly say "I'm sorry", and then next thing you know, "we've gone and done that very thing again". Perhaps we just don't understand what an apology is.

    We don't want to offend anyone, but we often do. Sometimes we don't even realize it until someone else brings it to our attention. When we find out we have offended another person, it would seem to me to be beneficial for both parties to resolve the problem. The injured party needs to know that we take the event seriously and that we don't take their forgiveness for granted.

    My first husband was always telling me he was sorry, and I was always forgiving him, trying to make the marriage work. Yet, as he continued doing the same hurtful things over and over, I realized he wasn't sincere. He took my forgiving nature for granted. I don't believe he understood what it means to really apologize. There came a point that "saying I'm sorry" just didn't count anymore, and I had to go my own way.

    Personally, I have a great deal of admiration for someone who comes forward and apologizes. It says something to me about the kind of person they are. How could anyone reject an honest-hearted attempt to say they are sorry?


  • minimus

    Why not apologize when you are wrong? Even if you offend someone unknowingly, it doesn't hurt to say I'm sorry. There are those that are oversensitive or who think too highly of themselves. They may feel they're never wrong or they may always feel hurt. With such ones, you would have to apologize all day long. This type, I prefer to avoid.....btw I'm sorry if i just offended

  • scumrat

    I feel that an apology shows ownership of a wrongdoing or transgression. It's hard to apologize when the other person does not admit their part in the problem. If I put my foot in my mouth, then obviously I've got to claim it and apologize. Just my 2 cents

  • scumrat

    However an apology is no good if there is no sincerity behind it.

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