Please Accept My Most Heartfelt..........

by Englishman 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses


    if a person continues to do the same thing over and over again. That is when I forgive but move on and ignore the person. I would however help that person if it were a life or death situation.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    An apology might help, but you can change your life without one. - Robin Quivers

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    There are circumstances too where one may never be able to offer that sincere apology directly for whatever reason. In my own instance, I found that directing my apology to the Universe had to be good enough...and perhaps as important in those situations...Self Forgiveness - for having lacked the emotional understanding of what my actions/words created at the time.

    Too, once we have done our part - accepted our role and taken postive action to correct; we are not responsible one way or another for how an apology is or is not accepted. Personally I tire of the politically correct mindset that confuse assertion with aggression. Like I've got to walk on egg shells because someone "might" take "offense." And then think an apology is in order.

    But since we're talking about our error...humility didn't come easy for me. It took 18 months for me to accept the fact that I owed my sister an apology. She has refused to hear me on two separate occasions and it doesn't matter because I've forgiven myself.


  • mamashel

    I think it is a good person who can apologize. And once it is said, it is forgotten. The other person should not keep rehashing what happened. Keep on steppin, forgive and forget.


  • Englishman

    Saw a strange thing take place yesterday, that has some bearing on this.

    TruckerGB and I were having a pint in the pub in the late evening. Wednesday night is also a get-together for the local "magic circle", they meet in the pub for a few beers and show each other, and anyone else, their latest tricks.

    It transpired that one of their number had been ringing up booked venues, and cancelling his colleagues stage acts and then offering himself as a substitute. He'd also nicked someone's "clown face" (all clown faces are patented!) and stolen material from many of them.

    So, last night, they confronted the said offender, there were about 5 of them all sat in a circle giving him absolute hell. He blustered and wheedled for ages, but all to no avail. He even said sorry, but it was a "sorry if I upset you" type of apology, he wouldn't take on board what he had done, and argued that he had not been taking business from anyone, even though he was confronted with a mountain of evidence.

    He left later in a state of disgrace.

    Funny thing is, I know these other guys, and if he had come clean and said he had been desperate, and was really sorry, could he make ammends, they would have let him remain in the circle.


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