Government and Corporate apologies for misdemeanors are very complicated as an apology would inevitably end up in massive financial repercussions, an apology being an admission of guilt.
With a Corporation, shareholders interests have to be taken into account. A senior citizens retirement funds might be jeopardized if the company that they are invested in apologizes over an infraction. Governments have an eye on legal precedents that might be set. For example, if the US Government apologizes for the genocide of the First Nations during the C19th, the land that your house is built on might be re-claimed in a lawsuit. This has happened in Canada.
If and when the WTS apologizes to child-abuse victims, it will suddenly be deluged with law suits from around the world, that could not be contested, an apology being seen in the eyes of the law as an admission of guilt. That is why they will fight every case, tooth and claw.
Often when a copropration or Government pays compensation, the compensation will have an adenda that they in no way admit to be at fault. A very, very complicated buisness. I am not sure that E'Man actually ventured into this territory with his post.
Best regards - HS