Hello Undercover,
Welcome to the Board. We sympathize with your internal struggles. Many of us have walked this road before and understand the price to be paid for examining what was once an irreversible belief in the WTS dream. You ask :
Does the GB really believe they are God's human channel for all of mankind to learn about his kingdom?
Yes, they do Undercover. At the basis of all WTS thinking is a core belief that can never be changed without dismantling their whole theological framework. This belief can be summed up very simply - "We Speak for God". However much damage is done to peoples lives, whatever color they paint the reversal of policy, or the latest doctrinal distortion, this demand is ever-present.
Or is there some sinister conspiracy?
The conspiracy comes with conditioning the mind of its adherents by deceitful means which over the years the WTS has turned into an art form. JWs are frightened to think outside of the framework that the WTS allows. This fear is a result of many things, the two most powerful being fear of repercussions in the form of social or spiritual alienation, and the fact that finding a flaw in the WTS theology might lead to an unraveling of the majority of their teachings, which it has to be said is a natural result of a logical and scholarly examination. The aftermath may be very uncomfortable, thinking for one-self is very traumatic when others have done this for you, sometimes for decades.
Is it to fleece millions of people to make them rich or powerful?
Money is not at the heart of the WTS. The GB truly believe what they believe, though it has to be said that the ones that I know personally, exude an attachment to the adoration that comes their way. Being honest, I suspect most of us would find it hard to resist the spell of adulation. Power is important to them on a corporate basis, but personally I have found the ones that I know to be rather weak, and certainly not terribly good students of the Bible.
What do they gain by this notoriety?
A sense of belonging, a belief that they sit in the right hand of Christ. The greed of spiritual conquest is the most dangerous drug of all.
As I am rather agnostic in many of my personal beliefs, I will leave others to answer the questions on the validity of religious organizations and whether they are necessary, or just a barrier to true spirituality.
Best regards and do keep posting - HS
Edited by - hillary_step on 25 September 2002 15:51:16