A simplified history
1. A Military hero, William Miller, started publicly preaching the 2nd coming of Jesus in 1844. Many people split with their church over this and followed his teachings.
2.The Great Disappointment followed. Miller was wrong. He tried again and failed.
3.Die Hard 2nd Adventists who would not admit they were wrong kept on trying. Many chronologies, charts and explanations exploded popularly.
4.Charles Taze Russell, after a bout of zeal, non-belief and revived zeal, used his family fortune to delve into 2nd Adventist writings, charts, proofs.
5.Russell opted for HIS OWN chronology supported by Pyramidology. He founded a publishing empire to advertise his theology.
6.Russell declared Jesus had returned invisibly in 1874. the END OF THE WORLD was coming in 1914.
7.Russell died in 1916. Judge Rutherford used Russell's writings to consolidate his authority and then abandoned most of them.
8.Rutherford promoted vile hate speech against Jews (Big Business) government (landing him in prison for sedition) and all religion except His own version.
9.Rutherford predicted 1925 would bring (Armageddon) and the resurrection. He failed but later built a mansion to house the resurrected. He lived there.
10.Rutherford wrote to Hitler claiming he agreed with the fight against the International Jewish Conspiracy (Big Business) until the Germans confiscated the headquarters contents, later he claimed the opposite.
11.Repeated use of martyrs for public relations purposes (deaths over blood transfusion refusal) rejection of holidays, military "neutrality", crazy health pronouncements (aluminum cookware is poison, germs don't cause disease) were published.
12. Claims that Jehovah used JW's as a "mouthpiece" were contradicted by changes in teaching and false dates.
13.Revisions of history in the Organization occur again and again.
14.1975 was the last firm date set by the Governing Body and it failed too. A backlash began a crackdown and asserting of Authority grew.
15.Since around 1978 the Governing Body has created a drumbeat of adherence to everything THEY SAY before any other loyalty.
16. The Internet allows the tidal wave of "proof' against the lies and misdeeds of Watchtower leadership like never before.
17. A crackdown on former members launches a war of shunning, labels of Apostacy and a marking of any unusual curiousity by members.
18. Generation teaching changes because 97 years have passed and the Millions Now Living Will Never Die promises expired.
That is as concise as I can be. Draw your own conclusions.
Is there Freedom of thought, speech or honest inquiry permitted inside a Kingdom Hall without reproach? No.
Shunning remains the most powerful inducement to conformity. That and fear of extinction in the ever-"near" Armageddon threat.