A natural work of art (in Australia)

by WildHorses 76 Replies latest social entertainment

  • plmkrzy

    That is such a kewl name. I would live there just to be able to say "I live in Tasmania"

    LOL and I'm a little devil

  • Mac

    Came here looking for a picture of myself but,then in a moment if cognizance, realized I was not in Australia!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    There is a natural "work of art" in oz. Nah not BECK ...the ROO!!

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 September 2002 6:15:58

  • WildHorses

    rf, I would have a ball over there with all the wildlife.

    Plm, I put back my first $20 for the trip. It's not much but it's a start. I would have had a $100 but I bought spark plugs, oil and filter, an air filter and plug wires for my car yesterday. I changed them this morning.

    Darn cars cost a fortune and it dipped into my savings for the trip.

  • refiners fire
  • plmkrzy
    Plm, I put back my first $20 for the trip. It's not much but it's a start.

    LOL, damnitgirl your're already ahead of me!shaking sons piggybank hmmm...he wasn't spending this anyway, and besides...i'll put it back

    Those ROOS? LOL they're too kewl I can't stand it! I just bet as soon as I reached out to pet one it would whip out a spinning back kick and plunge me into a nearby something. I've seen those things in action on tv.

  • WildHorses

    LOL @Plm, the visuals of you being kicked by that Roo has me rolling.

  • plmkrzy

    me too

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Possibly the greatest work of Art this country has EVER produced.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 September 2002 6:23:57

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Where does one make donations to the Lilacs and Plum AussieFest trip?? You really must come over and see some of the most entertaining and interesting things I have enjoyed this week...for example, did you know Elvis is alive....and he's also black LOL

    This was a busker at the Victoria Market where I took Mackin and Prisca yesterday (Saturday)...what a laugh!

    One of these pics is of the real Refiners Fire...taken at Ballarat Wild Life Park. (I hope these pics work)

    And check out these kangas....we first saw the mother kanga with a joey in her pouch...we had no idea how big it was...I'm so glad I'm not a kanga...that's all I have to say...ouchiees!!

    Joey In -

    Joey Out -

    And ladies...keep your eye out...as I will be posting 'dirt' on Refiners Fire with pics to entertain us all


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