A natural work of art (in Australia)

by WildHorses 76 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Beck_Melbourne

    My pics did not work

  • plmkrzy

    O M G ! Those PICs are great! LMAO@ELVIS!HAHAhahaha and that poor kanga, looks like sombody tried to make a snack out of it. It's all nibbled on.lol

    ooh my stomach hurts

  • WildHorses

    Hey Plm, did you hear what Beck said? She wants to set up donations?! Yippy!!!!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Yes ladies...I am going to get someone to make a little 'donation box' which I will place in the hallway of my house. It will be the Plum and Lilacs Aussie Fest Fund...I think Refiners will start the ball rolling 'eh old son'???

    We hope to rotate our apostofests, so whoever hosts the next gathering, holds the donation box, just like at the bookstudy LOL.

    Hey Plum, if you really can get air fares for that price you mentioned...then you're a meathead (said with affection )if you don't take advantage of it. Don't forget you get twice as much spending money over here, and there's so much to see, and usually the weather is in between awesome and fantastic. For the week Mackin and Prisca were here in Melbourne, it only rained once...although we had to put our ducted heating on just for Prisca the Sydneyite

    Okay ladies, already I'm planning on where to take you and what we're going to be doing hehe. Should I do up an itinerary now?? Or is that a bit keen??

    Andy is putting together a menu...so please, do let him know if you don't like mushrooms or if you are allergic to anything LOL....hosting my apostate pals is just like having travelling overseers Be prepared for lots of late nights and lots of talking...there is too much fun to be missed if you sleep longer then 5 hrs each night...so you may want to start weaning yourself off sleep-ins a month before your arrival


    ps: best time of year is March/April, worst time of year is February - just some useless information for ya

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 29 September 2002 23:17:47

  • plmkrzy
  • plmkrzy
    Hey Plum, if you really can get air fares for that price you mentioned...then you're a meathead (said with affection )if you don't take advantage of it. Don't forget you get twice as much spending money over here,

    Believe me Beck I am workin' on it!

    Every Travel fare I have check out has had specials ranging from 1,5''$$$ to 3,500$$$ and even higher!

    This one($786.00) is good during certain months of the year only They should still be good next year also. Or not much more anyway.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 29 September 2002 23:21:40

  • WildHorses
    They should still be good next year also.

    Then we need to start saving more than $20 per week and buy the tickets sooner. I'd like to go during the winter month here in the USA because that's summer in Australia.

    Beck, are you saying the American dollar is at a higher value than Australian currency?

  • Beck_Melbourne
    Beck, are you saying the American dollar is at a higher value than Australian currency?

    Shari...you guys are so lucky...for $100 US you get approximately $200(plus) Aus. I'm not sure how our prices compare to yours...it costs approx $2 - $2.50 Aus for a cup of coffee in a cafe in the city. I know of a couple of nice places to eat in the city...for example you can get a lovely chinese lunch eat in for only $5 in the city centre, not quite in china town but near enough. My girlfriend who lives in New York claims that prices in Melbourne are very good...however she is comparing our prices to NY prices.

    Either way, you get to see 'me' oh and Refiners LOL.


    ps...and don't forget, Uncle Bruce lives in Australia *dangling carrot*


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 29 September 2002 23:53:54

  • WildHorses

    Beck, Bruce will most likely be deep bush when I get there. It would be nice to meet him in person though.

    What's this about mushrooms? I love them myself.

  • Mackin

    Plum & Lilacs,

    You will have the greatest time in the land of Oz if you decide to go. I have just returned from a week in Sydney visiting Prisca, Hippikon, Stephanus & family and others. Hippikon & Mrs Hippikon were superb hosts.

    Then followed a week in Melbourne where I was kindly accommodated by Beck & family. They went to great lengths to show me all the sights of their fine city. Thanks to Andy I now know more abour bridges that I ever did before. It was also great to meet Refiners & Pappusan.

    And yes make sure you are well rested before you go 'cos you won't get to bed before 2.00 am any night, Beck will keep you up talking 'till the wee small hours. Melbourne is a very picturesque city and the shopping is great.

    I had an ab fab holiday and met some wonderful people.

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