The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

by IslandWoman 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    I wonder sometimes if to outsiders who visit this and other xJW discussion boards it seems as if xJWs never "bought the farm" and that's why they look down on those who did. There is much ridicule of the rank and file here, why?

    If we placed literature, conducted a Bible Study, brought a Bible Study to the point of baptism, gave talks, commented at the Watchtower study, volunteered, supported the CO, shunned etc., t hen we helped to perpetuate the system. Weren't most of us one of them? Do we soothe the conscience by declaring our outrage thereby hoping to nullify our culpability?

    I would really appreciate your input on this. To declare war on the Watchtower leaders is one thing but to laugh at those brothers and sisters we once worked side by side with is wrong. Well, it seems so to me. They are where I once was and I feel for them, they should not be laughed at.


  • Joyzabel

    <scratching head and wondering> Who's laughing?

  • kelsey007

    IslandWoman you are singing to the choir on this one. With the experience we have as jw's youwould think that we would slow down and be empathetic in order to help the dubs. But for some reason on these sites the Wt bashing never ends- It never ceases to amaze how we never stop to think- how would we have reacted to such comments about the wt when we were loyal dubs- unless most here never really bought into it to begin with.

  • abbagail

    You are right, IW. Wanting to dismantle the GB from the top-down is one thing, but I never had a bad experience with individual JWs, not while a JW and not since. Also, yes, I had the same exact "overly-zealous" mindset while a JW, and would never have been able to "see the forest for the trees." As a matter of fact, though DF'd for 12 years, I would STILL be "believing the WT" if I hadn't found silentlambs last Fall. And when I first visited here, I saw some innocent female JW get blasted merely for innocent expressions, and that turned me off so bad I did not come back here for a long time (not until Dateline). Granted, there are some very obnoxious JWs who can really get on your nerves (online, that is), and when they insist on 'driving their point home,' it is quite annoying. Yet at the same time I remember well that I would have written/spoken the exact same way.

    So, again, yes, I would say much of our "YUK YUK" at the JWs is due to the realization of our own guilt (for instance, speaking for myself only, I was one of those self-righteous JW-types who secretly "condemned" others for "not getting their act together." I definitely feel guilty about that, and am glad to be on the other side of the fence long enough to be aware of it, so that I can now act differently in ALL areas of life.)

    Have a nice evening.

  • SixofNine

    I thought this was going to be about Sam Herd telling JR Brown that he is a hypocrit!

  • pettygrudger

    Good points to keep in mind IW.


  • larc

    No, I don't laugh at the average Witness, nor do I ridicule the elders. I feel sorry for them. I find fault with the system, not the people. I am not even sure if I can blame the governing body. They are simply congregation members who got promoted. I blame the system, as I said.

  • IslandWoman


    Have you never seen posts ridiculing JW's style of clothing, their jobs, their education, their intelligence etc?


  • Farkel


    : Have you never seen posts ridiculing JW's style of clothing, their jobs, their education, their intelligence etc?

    Maybe that's tactless and sometimes even a bit cruel, but at least ex-JWs don't wish for and PRAY for the slaughter of 6,000,000 JWs by a Nazi-God. Dubs cannot say the same thing about themselves and six BILLION others who just don't happen to believe in their religion. (Or like their crappy clothing, crappy jobs, crappy education and crappy intelligence for that matter! )


  • Amazing

    Hi IW: I think most ex-JWs "bought the farm" ... I do not think of ex-JWs as somehow better than JWs ... all of us were deceived and defrauded ... the only difference is that we were lucky enough to become informed and find the critical information that finally prompted our decision to leave the JWs ... there are many to follow us as the years go by.

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