The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

by IslandWoman 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    These are very dangerous people. Hitler was only interested in conquest of the world. Dub leaders are interested in the conquest of the entire universe, save their God. The only difference between them and Hitler is that Hitler had smaller goals and wanted less people murdered to accomplish them.

    Are you serious? These people believe the Bible, the Bible talks about salvation for believers so they preach it. Many sacrifice much time trying to find and help save people before the "end" that they believe is coming arrives. These people do not arm themselves, they do not promote war.

    Stereotyping people is not just bad for the targeted group but also for the ones doing the targeting. xJW leaders such as yourself who encourage this kind of stereotyping of JWs do more harm to xJWs than JWs, in my opinion. You encourage people to only see the "little" picture of things, and in so doing reinforce small minded thinking. I've had enough of the "us verses them" mentality, the reality is much more complicated.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Wow, Farkel, you are an XJW leader! Did you know that? What are our orders, sir?

    IW, do you realize you are stereotyping XJW's?

    Edited by - No apologies on 3 October 2002 18:43:50

  • unclebruce

    G'day Island Woman,

    (seems to me you ain't an island these days .. more an archapelego .. lol)

    Good post. I know exactly where you're comming from. Behind our big tough poses and odourous exuberences we're all frail little butterfly's whether we admit it or not. No amount of bluff and bravardo can hide it. (i've proved that by sneaking into some of the hardest heads on the nett, rearranging thier furniture and rattled thier cans till they crack .. and believe me they all crack .. It doesn't matter whether you're an ultra serious, watchtower destroying fogass from Virginia or a megamouth trucker from Oklahoma (hi Todd! lol)

    The Watchtower is evil IslandWoman. Yes, as individuals the argument that Bethel is crammed with "victims of victims" may well hold true. But as we are all here painfully aware, the system set up and run by the watchtower society throughout the earth is condusive to splitting families (one of the worse evils in my book), promoting self agrandisment, mental entrapment etc... etc.. The organization is a mind numbingly male oriented saucage factory for bland unreasoning propaganda of the most myopic ameri-centric bible bable bullshit the world is likely to see outside the flat earth and 6 day creationists reading room in Tellahussy New Mexico.

    Anyway, I guess i just came here to give ya a big public ((((huggy wuggy))))

    all the best IW, uncle flutterby

    PS: piss off Farkel! (a black pot if ever there was one .. lol)

    Edited by - unclebruce on 3 October 2002 19:27:0

  • Englishman

    Singing to the choir?

    What the.....?




    I never thought that I would say this wow this is hard .........I agree with you on this one ..... there I said it

  • IslandWoman

    G'day Unclebruce!

    I miss you. Gee, IW is sort of speechless right now. You caught me by surprise. Thank you for the hug but most of all thanks for you, just you. You are, well.........someone special, someone I have come to love (as a friend of course).

    Please take care,


  • Windchaser

    While reading this thread, I had a vivid picture in my mind's eye of leaving a convention and seeing a half dozen or so evil apostates with their signs. I looked away in horror. I'm not exaggerating.

    Maybe that's the way those who loved me when I was a jw feel about me now. But, that's how we were taught to feel about those who left the organization. I agree that bashing misguided people is unproductive, but maybe it's a way of getting some of our anger out. Maybe we need to look in scorn at what they are and we were.

    I still love my closest jw friend. I love her so much that I won't e-mail her anymore. She had the prettiest smile, the sweetest voice and the most caring heart that I've ever known and she wore those stupid little dresses, too. To attack her would be like attacking a flower. It's the organization that is wrong, not the people in it.

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