Okay I hit 1000 posts and I'm still a "master member" what's up with that goddammit! I want my title!
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, Blues, what do you think? " Millenium " Poster.
anyone can call a judical meeting so I thought?
First, as a former elder, in my experience I've never heard of anyone but elders calling and presiding at Judical Hearings. Not even a JW in good standing can call a JH, even if he has two eye witnesses to a gross sin and the elders have failed to do anything, he cannot take it upon himself to handle the matter by calling the accused to a hearing he himself set up.
Second, I think Bill still believes the Watch Tower is Jehovah's chosen channel or at least used to be. That would explain his efforts in df'ing the GB so then everything will be right again. My opinion is, if you cut the head of that snake it will grow another and it STILL will be a snake! The Watch Tower Society is wrong down to it's core beliefs not just on child molestation procedures. That' s where I think Bill differs from most on this forum. If not for this one issue would Bill still be a JW in good standing, presiding over his Kentucky congregation? I think yes, whereas the marjority of us would not go to the 5 weekly meetings even if we were paid. So don't be surprised when Bill wants to fix the WT by removing the GB.
Thirdly, when cause oriented organizations start, (like Silentlambs) they often have the best of intentions but as time passes the focus changes from that which brought it in to being, (in this case child molestation procedures) instead to keeping the organization alive at all costs. IMO Bill's letter to the GB is an attempt to keep Silentlambs from losing momentum. When dealing with the public and the press you have to stay fresh and new to keep your name in the news. No organization that relies on press coverage to get it's message across wants to be considered yesterday's news, and no longer relevant.
Don't take this observation to imply that I do not support Bill in all his efforts to force the Watch Tower to change is child molestation procedures, because that would be incorrect. I just think we all would be better served if we supported people and causes rather than organizations.
Just my 2 cents worth
Former member of a Non-Prophet Organization
A fantastic post WTLies.
I concur with your statements.
sorry if i sound like a wise guy!
but I just wanted to say that i think minimus should be able to post everything he or she wants to as long as it doesn't offend anyone. if someone thinks minimus' posts are useless than just scroll over them and don't open them.
attacking him brings nothing but anger on both sides
counting the number of topics he has started.. we arrive at 140 in just over a 3 month period.
Just think,...... 140 clear, well thought out, understandable or entertaining topics in 90 days.
We should all feel honored to know someone that smart.....
Ain't you all impressed .....
Dear fellow board members, Thank you all for your comments, both pro and con. I believe that some posters like fluff. Others enjoy research. Still others do enjoy questions. I will post anything that I feel is within my board rights. I will not try to go after anyone (unless I want to defend myself). Whether I post to the limit or not....who cares? Whether some want to get angry and swear about this or that....that's your business too. I might not always respond to what I might not like posted, but that's my decision.The truth is: Bill Bowen is not going to get a hearing from Bethel in England or in New York. And people can't just call a judicial meeting because they decided to. Actually, I guess anyone could call a meeting with the Pope too, but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans..............BTW....where is my M&M????
the little feller does get the hits
and how does someone hijack a profile pic?
HEY I found him!!!