by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • rmayer32
    Just in case you weren't really sure, The Watchtower and the Governing Body will never meet with Bill Bowen. He is now disfellowshipped.

    No kidding. Gee!



  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Windchaser said:

    Why anyone would want to attempt to change wt procedures boggles my mind, unless, like you say, he still believes that the wtbts is God's chosen channel.

    To protect the children, THAT is why they need to change their procedures!

    The WT is FALSE AND EVIL to the very CORE, and yet, I find it hard to believe that some people on this Board think Bill Bowen doesn't realize this, and that he still believes in the Religion?

    He is doing this for the CHILDREN.

    The CATHOLIC CHURCH has TONS of FALSE Teachings, and yet, why are people trying to change their procedures? To protect the CHILDREN!

  • minimus

    He is incapable of reaching his goal. The WBTS will NEVER give him the time of day. If SL is to be effective, it will be in spite of the Watchtower society.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    minimus said:

    If SL is to be effective, it will be in spite of the Watchtower society.

    I agree. It will take CAESAR and LAWSUITS to get the Watchtower to change their Policies.

    That has already been shown by the Watchtower's actions the last 2 years (in fact, the last 120+ years).

  • lisaBObeesa

    He is incapable of reaching his goal. The WBTS will NEVER give him the time of day. If SL is to be effective, it will be in spite of the Watchtower society.

    Why does the WBTS have to give him the time of day in order for him to reach is goal?? I have no doubt that the Org will never give him the time of day, I have no doubt Bill KNOWS they will never give him the time of day, and I am pretty darn sure Bill will reach his goal! J

    (Procedures in the org will change as a result of SL work)


  • Windchaser

    UnDisfellowshiped, do you honestly believe that attempting to improve cult policies will cause the internal change Mr. Bowen is striving for?

    Edited to add: Forgive my cynicism, but they deceived me for 30 years, why should they all of a sudden change policies and start behaving like a real channel from God, showing loving care for the very children Jesus told them to be like? And do you really think that the law will stop them from protecting their favorites? I find this highly unlikely. I think that they will just become more secretive. After all, God's on their side. Did Moses obey Pharoah?

    I truly hope that I'm wrong. I think of them as a money-making business and the best way to destroy a business is by forcing it into bankrupcy.

    Edited by - windchaser on 7 October 2002 23:7:11

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Windchaser said:

    UnDisfellowshiped, do you honestly believe that attempting to improve cult policies will cause the internal change Mr. Bowen is striving for?

    Well, if there is enough Media Coverage, Lawsuit Victories, and Action from Caesar, then they will be FORCED to change their Policy on Child Abuse.

    Also, if their Policy gets enough Media Coverage, it may help to set A LOT of JW's free from this corrupt, wicked, evil, Satanic False Religion from Hell.

    Windchaser said:

    Edited to add: Forgive my cynicism, but they deceived me for 30 years, why should they all of a sudden change policies and start behaving like a real channel from God, showing loving care for the very children Jesus told them to be like? And do you really think that the law will stop them from protecting their favorites? I find this highly unlikely. I think that they will just become more secretive. After all, God's on their side. Did Moses obey Pharoah?

    I definitely understand your cynicism. They deceived me for 18+ years also.

    See my above comments, for why they will be forced to change their Policy.

    I do not believe the Watchtower Leaders (and most Local Elders) will EVER have true love for Children, or for any other Members.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT follow Jesus, they follow the Governing Body of Satan.

    It is my Prayer that the "Superior Authorities" (aka Caesar), will force the Watchtower to change their demonic Pedophile Policy.

    The Society will still try to cover up certain Pedophiles, but hopefully it will be much more rare, and the victims will definitely be more willing to speak out!

    Moses talked directly with GOD, and GOD wrote HIS Commandments on Stone, so I believe Moses was truly GOD's "Anointed One" at that time.

    How can the Watchtower Leaders get around Romans Chapter 13? They can try, but they will look stupid.

    Windchaser said:

    I truly hope that I'm wrong. I think of them as a money-making business and the best way to destroy a business is by forcing it into bankrupcy.

    Yes, I would LOVE to see the Watchtower hit with a CATHOLIC-Sized Lawsuit for MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Dollars!

    Don't worry, God's Will shall be accomplished!

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