From now on, if you're not a "survivor," please keep your criticisms curtailed. When we as "victims/survivors" are good and sick of Bowen, WE will be the ones to boot him out, not you "intellectualizers." And if you want to criticize, make suggestions or get more info, why not do as Bowen suggests and Write/Call/Email him personally?
I'm not sure when anyone who posts here became immune to what you call "criticism". Nor am I sure when became your private palyground where you can post anything you want without at least getting some scepticism from others who post here also. So you think you are the only type of survivors here? I dare say not. When anyone else here makes asshole comments no one minds when they get ripped to shreds, but little Billy B gets to be immune from criticism about remarks that he made in a public forum??!!!! No way not ever should this happen. I'll tell you somethings else. there is no excuse for making excuses for him. He could have chosen to vent in a thousand other ways instead of attacking Ray. All that bullshit and trauma because he chose the wrong moment to spew a bunch of vitriol towards us. And now you've gone and insulted more of us w/the "intellectualizer" comment. How many of us have done the mailouts or helped the silentlambs in other ways like taping and copying the programs that have come out, or contacting newspaper people, or giving money, or dealing dierectly w/people that are victims of molestation? Do you know? Did you stop to think about that before posted that bullshit? I doubt it. Why should we email or talk to Bill privately when he comes out and says what he really thinks in public? Hmmm? BTW he never answered my questions which says a lot.
Xenawarrior...the sword that Jehovah has sent among us nonetheless...
By bashing Bill we hurt the cause of Silentlambs. By hurting the cause we hurt those still in need of our love, help and support.
Dearest Sam, just don't forget where it came from...if you decide to bring a big stick to a fight be prepared to use it or eat of those life lessons one learns when you are out of the borg long enough.
District Overbeer