Rather would I be lashed to the mains'l in a thunderous downpour of Job-like proportions than be associated with this fissparous den of craven cowards - those who have slithered away from the Slave on their verminous bellies - a "family member"? NO! Think of me as your worst nightmare - the bailiff who raps on the door of YOU and your family of filth at 4 am with the good news that it is time for YOU and YOUR cockroach infested hoard and their belongings to be swept clean. The time is at hand.
Better to be a janitor at the meanest Kingdom Hall than a "big name" in a pit of vipers like this. When Jah of Armies wreaks Holy Havoc on this doomed system, raining down elderberry juice from the skies, and bombarding scrufulous humanity (apart from the Slave and his belongings) with a hail of frozen pilchards - then YOU will know that YOUR narcissitic attempts at parody will, ironically, have come true - albeit on your own lofty head. LOL what a time that will be!
Hope that helped.
Edited by - Know_You on 11 October 2002 10:28:28