by Know_You 43 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry--but this note of sanity sounds pretty insane to me.
Man, very funny. This guy has a way with words.
The capital 'YOU' s cracked me up. And congealed truth...LOLOLOL
A brilliant comic pastishe of You Know's prophecies.
"Loathsome sockets" !!!!!!!
Is this our beloved You Know coming back as Know You?
Doesn't he have some bets to pay off?
..and I loved the "sauces" instead of "sources".
This is Brit writ, I'm sure.
Appears 2 B KNOW_YOU = YOU_KNORR =DUNCAN. Read closely; this has been going on for over 2 years.
John Lee Hooker CD's are demonized.
You Know (Know You) is either a bumbling idiot or an absolutely brilliant satirical author. Just try reading his posts as if he were the latter and you will see that some of the responses that he gets are completely hilarious.
For me his contributions here are priceless. He goes straight for a nerve and then swerves off at the last moment leaving the reader completely incensed but unharmed. Some may think that Im as nutty as You Know but I really mean this.
I do not believe that You Know is a practising JW or that his posts necessarily have anything to do with religion. He strays onto this subject only occasionally in order to wind everyone up.
Thank you You Know. Keep up the posting.
We may be in a Kingdom Hall near YOU gloating out the window as you evil scum get your comeuppance when Jehovah, in his great mercy, lovingly destroys this evil world with fire.
Oh yes there is the christain love I remember. Now here is some from me: KISS MY ASS!