The other day was flipping thru the channels and "Benny Hinn" was on. I left it there for a moment for amusement...not for spiritual instruction. For those who don't know who he is......he's a Christian who supposedly has the GIFT of Healing, and slaying with the Holy Spirit....those who believe. Heres what got me. He invited various ones up from the audience. These people were from 7 year old kids to illiterate hillbilies, to everyday housewives. No dramatic performance was given to put these people in an emotional frenzy. He mearly asked them there problem was, how they were healed from their chairs before they came up and some were healed in a prior show. Heres what got me.....After they told their story....he would turn an act if he was walking away and would touch them. They would ALL fall to the ground with the aid of attendants that were "catcher's" I guess. None of these people were "set up" as far as I could tell and I don't believe anyone would disagree who saw the show. They really went limp and acting. My question. How does this happen? Again....I am not advocating God here.....I am mearly wanting to know... how it happens? As far as the Bible would go it is obvious Satan is not to get the credit. I don't recall him doing anything good that did not fail. I don't believe Benny Hinn who also preaches give give a Man of God. Actually I don't really believe in the Bible for the most part at this point. Mesmerism. Is that how he does it? No . As I said...he didn't pump anyone up with a contrived speech. It also was not a "Beatlemania" effect. You know ...where the young girls screamed for Paul and John and they fainted.....lot's of them. does he do it?
Benny Hinn. By what people fall down?
by gumby 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
These people have seen other people fall down when he does that... in their mind they think they are "supposed" to fall down.
Here is an experiment... take some people who have never heard of him or "slaying in spirit". Have these people wait in an empty room. Shortly after have Mr. Hinn walk in wearing regular attire and without saying a word try to "slay them in spirit".
I guarantee they will look at him like he nuts. Maybe even jump back thinking he is trying to attack them.
Edited by - Elsewhere on 11 October 2002 14:55:38
Ive seen that guy on TV a couple of times. I think he's full of shit. The entire time there is some 800# on the screen so you can send him money. What a crock...
Hey, if he whacked you on the forehead like that, you'd probably fall down, too!
False Prophecy: Castro Will Die in 1990's
False Prophecy: Homosexuals Will Be Destroyed by Fire in 1995
Edited by - Farkel on 11 October 2002 15:15:29
Here is an experiment... take some people who have never heard of him or "slaying in spirit". Have these people wait in an empty room. Shortly after have Mr. Hinn walk in wearing regular attire and without saying a word try to "slay them in spirit".
Hey dude, excellent thought. I wonder if you or I would fall though? I don't think I would......but I haven't been succesful in being hypnotised for quiting smoking either.
Crazy: He is full of shit in my book too. He was hired the next day by TBN to rake in the bucks for more satelite's to be set up so the word can reach all. That day Russia was getting one and they were celebrating. Not condemning their idea....but Bennys part was purely a sales pitch and his healing reputation to get the dough.....kind of sick.
Nice read my friend. But dammit...why did ya have to go and burst my bubble? I really thought mesmerism was 'out'. Also....your going to shorten this thread by at least a third of all the would-be posters. You sure no how to piss on a party!
Thanks for the info.
Edited by - Gumby on 11 October 2002 15:16:4
I'm laughing at this subject because it brought back some funky memories. I remember back when I was about 12 years old my mom got involved in a "charismatic" group. The people used to lay hands on each other and fall and someone would catch them and they would all pray in tongues.
Well, low and behold, after about six months I too received the gift. I was hit on the head by a member and I allowed myself to go limp. Then I lay on the ground and began allowing my tongue to jibber jabber.
Guess the pressure got to me. Funny how until now I had completely lost that memory.
I agree that it is due to doing what you are expected to do. And I also agree that Benny Hinn is a money hungry fraud.
More to the point ... how does his hair do that ?
I find it fascinating to watch stuff like this. The psychology of things like the "torronto blessing" too where people claim their teeth turn to gold etc...
Double Edge
I think another tell-tale sign is when you see a grown-up and a little kid together up with Hinn. Invariable when tapped, the grown up will be 'slain' and fall down, whereas the kid still stands,moves back a little and looks at the grownup on the floor with a 'what just happened here?" look on their face. Hinn just moves on, because he knows you can't fool or force a kid.