Benny Hinn. By what people fall down?

by gumby 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • heathen

    ohhhhhhh yeah I remember the movie with steve martin was leap of faith very good portrayal of what I think the faith healing thing is all about.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    Im not aware of anyone speaking a recognizable dialect under the influence of spirit. Ive never seen it, and I dont believe it occurs.

    Its more of a personal language communicating direct with "God". Basically its just jabber. Youve got dozens of people there all proding and encouraging and even applauding you,Theyre Imploring, pleading in the spirit with intense emotion. Its hard not to go along. You dont want to disappoint anyone.They are your new friends.They care about you. Theres a milieu where its expected, and you dont want to be on the outer, not going along. All these factors are involved.

    Hoosameena lotrasenkafesh inahomilat!!! HALLELUJAH!! PRAISE GOD!!

    You just flow with it, and everyone smiles in approval.Some pentecostals just make clicking sounds with their tongue. I guess they cant string syllables together that sound plausible. Some are good at it. I went to the Longfield Church here in Melbourne and the whole church was praying silently, then people started to call out in jiberrish, taking turns. Then the church would pray again and someone would call out the interpretation.

    "I , the Lord am Your God! There is no other. Truly My children I tell you I am with you until the end of the days, and you will reside with me in mine house, yay, there are many mansions in my kingdom, be steadfast before the slings and arrows of the enemy"

    See, its easy.


    The facts are that the induction of varied emotional states within the recruit, enhances the chances of recruitment. A pastor may pray with inspirational fire over you. Bellowing and roaring. Maybe this wont cause you to open up to the spirit. So someone else will come. This person may be very tender, weeping, imploring you, perhaps with an arm around you, maybe your depressed and need a pal. Before you know it, you will find yourself weeping. Once you do that, you are on the threshold of conversion.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 12 October 2002 3:24:45

  • Satanus

    For a while when i was doing the pentle thing, i never had the least interest in speaking in tongues. Later on, after i unprogrammed the wt dogma on it, i decided i wanted to speak in tongues. At the prescribed time, i made the effort, moving my mouth and making sounds. The pastors crowded in on me, all speaking in tongues, figuring they would somehow transfer it. I couldn't do it.

    At another church, i explained my inability to the pastor and asked how i could start speaking. He said that he had had a problem at first too. He advised me to practice at home. So, for a month, for one half hour a day, i would practice. It never happened for me.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire








    (whacks you on the forehead and over you go)

    ((thats the theory anyway))

  • Satanus

    Bla bla blarbity blue blub blubbery blat blit bonnnng!! Bonnnnnng...

    By jee-sus, i think i've got it!

    Thanks refiner. And praise the laard!


  • abbagail

    Laughing my head off here! I'm so glad you asked this question Gumby 'cuz I always wondered also about the Benny Hinn "knock 'em over" routine. (LOL about his hair, too!) Did Jesus go around causing people to fall over? I don't recall that, except the ones who were "demonized" got a little crazy. Otherwise, I would think the "Holy Spirit" would be a little more dignified in the way it affects people (or is that merely leftover WT programming?)

    It all sounds and looks ridiculous to me, the jibberish and the falling over.

    Thanks, though, as I enjoyed reading (and laughing) everyone's comments who have belonged to, visited these types of events/churches, and/or who actually "went down" with the best of 'em.


  • rocky220

    I miss Benny Hill!!!!!rocky220

  • Farkel

    I've been watching these crackpots since the early 1950's. I remember seeing Oral Roberts do his "healing" on TV as a fifth grader. He would put one hand on the back of a victim's head and then palm slap the victim's forhead with his other palm and scream "Heal! Heal! Heal!." He would hit the victim's forehead HARD! The whole exercise look positively violent to me. It's a wonder people didn't get whiplash.

    None of these charismatics "heal" like their supposed leader, Jesus. Jesus would calmly say things like, "get up" and the person was healed. (If the Bible is to be believed.)

    My challenge to these so-called healers is simple: "no music, no working up people into a frenzy, no long sermons building into a crescendo, no making the audience all do a sequential set of processes in unison, no chanting, no requiring the ill one to believe in Christ and to pray and cry, no nothing. Just walk over to a truly diseased person (no shills), don't touch the person, and proclaim the believer healed. If the person gets up and is healed of that affliction for the rest of his/her life, I'll believe. Otherwise, they're nothing more than assholes and manipulators. Mostly assholes.


  • gumby

    Hoosameena lotrasenkafesh inahomilat

    Damn you know what you just said in a tongue? You said "follow the Witnesses.....only they have truth" I think you spoke in the fuckawi language!

    LOL farkmeister....assholes indeed

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Does Benny help them up, or does he walk along knocking people over?

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