Benny Hinn. By what people fall down?

by gumby 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    Blue S,

    I allowed myself to go limp.

    What was weird was THE WAY they went limp......almost like asleep. How could ALL he touched do this. Seems like SOMEONE would not have went down.

    Do they EDIT these shows BEFORE airing know...take out the failures?

    I'm with's facinating to watch. Makes we want to go and talk to these people afterwards and see what the PRIME was for this a personal interview of these people....weird!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Seems like SOMEONE would not have went down

    Sometimes they DON'T go down...then Hinn just moves on.

  • Stephanus

    Having received my "spirtual abuse" lumps at the hands of a branch of the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement, I'm in my element in this thread. The falling down is real, IOW it happens as though by supernatural means. However, Elsewhere is right, there is an aspect of expectation - people fall over because they believe they're supposed to - I've been to a charismatic church where people go out to be prayed for and there are no people-catchers provided - guess what - no-one falls over! In the church I went to, when you were standing out the front waiting for prayer, the head pastor used to come up right in front of you, into your personal space, only a couple of inches from you. It is human nature to try to widen the gap, but you can't step away from him, so you lean backwards. He puts his hand on your forehead to pray for you, and simple physics dictates that you're going to go over. I woke up to this afer the first time he prayed for me and determined that if I was going to go over, it was because the Holy Spirit, not a mere mortal, pushed me over. I used to stand out the front, one foot planted firmly behind, and leaning forward. I told someone about this and they said I was resisting the Holy Spirit. I said no, I was willing to go over if the Holy Spirit pushed me, and there was no way I could stop Him from moving on me - I was resisting being pushe over by a man trying to look good.

    With Benny Hinn, you've got to remember, the working up of the crowd goes on for several hours - a lot of time is spent standing and there isn't much chance to partake of food and liquid. The combination of physical deprivation and the hyping up of the crowd makes them very susceptible to outside suggestion. It takes many hours of work to get the phenomenon of "instantaneously" going down under the Spirit's power!

    Edited by - Stephanus on 11 October 2002 16:9:18

  • Elsewhere

    Regarding the hair thing.... I have frequently wondered how it is he can "heal" all of those people, but not "heal" his gawd awful comb-over.

  • WildHorses

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned his wifes sermon about spiritual enemas

  • gumby

    Stephanus; Thanks for your story.

    All the ones I saw fall.....stayed there awhile rather limp. No one seemed to act as though they were pushed..... I'll watch him again and be more observant. If he's lyin....I'm gonna kick his arse!

  • Crazy151drinker

    Spiritual enemas? Homosexuals are going to burn??? Sounds to me like this guy REALLY needs to get laid! Sometimes I watch his show because it is so entertaining! To see all these dumbasses fall and to think people think its real, its just cracks me up. Same with the 700 club with all of their bullshit Gold chairs! And the makeup that one lady wears!!! Sooo scary!!

  • Satanus

    I was into this type of churches for a while. It's true like stephanus said, they try to push you over. Most people want to fall down. I think a lot fake it, especially kids, since they think they are supposed to fall. I almost never went down. I won't forget the one time i did, though.

    The speaker wasn't flamboyant. He was rather low key. When he got to me in the line up, from about 2 feet away, he blew on my stomache. Nothing happened, so he did it again. I felt like i got an electric shock. There was a split second of pain. Then i was out for a couple of seconds, and fell down. I just laid there, totally relaxed for a few minutes.

    What does that mean? I'm not sure. I suspect it's some kind of energy transfer.


  • Crazy151drinker

    Thats some freaky stuff SS. I wonder what they did??? TAZER!!! I'd sue their asses.

    Ive gone with friends to a couple of churches like that. Half the time its like your at a concert. I just daydream and watch the clock. Many folks dont like organized religion, but i'll take it any day over some non-denominational-make-up-your-own-shit freak fest.

  • Stephanus

    True, SS, there are many who do experience something. I never experienced it myself - the one time I went down was when the pastor crept up on me before I was ready and got into position, and pushed me down. The "jolt of electricity" is a fairly common report. I'm actually feeling a little jealous of you now - you'd think after 6 years in that church I'd have gotten something a little interesting for my troubles! LOL

    There's another church near here where the head pastor's policy is to NOT touch anyone he prays for - they still go over on cue.

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