Benny Hinn. By what people fall down?

by gumby 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NeonMadman


    I was hit on the head by a member and I allowed myself to go limp. Then I lay on the ground and began allowing my tongue to jibber jabber.

    OK, I don't get it. I can understand that if you allowed yourself to go limp, and someone gave you a push on the forehead, you might well fall over. But I can lay on the ground all day long, and allow my tongue to do anything it wants to, and it won't start to jibber-jabber all by itself. Are you saying that you consciously started making sounds, or that some outside force really acted through you?

    I'm a bit curious about this stuff, I'll admit. I've been to a charismatic church or two, but I've never seen any of these unusual manifestations occur. Guess they were slow days when I went.

  • heathen

    I remember watching this a couple of times myself. Some people do not fall over the first time but after an exta heavy dose of the spirit finally do with some encouragement from the crowd and the embarrassment of national tv.Put me down as a skeptic .kind of reminds me of the steve martin movie where he plays a phony faith healer ,can't think of the name of it.

  • gumby


    I'm a bit curious about this stuff, I'll admit.

    Me Too. I wonder if every case of these manifestatins are mesmerized, pushed, or primed in some way...........or something else happened.

    If someone could testify that a recognizable tongue was spoken by someone "speaking in tongues".....then you would HAVE to could a person speak a dialect he simply does not know?

    Any TONGUE experiences out there?

    BTW very pretty pic of you.........not flirting either

  • Valis

    Did someone say Benny Hill? He certainly knew how to stumble himself...eheheh


    District Overbeer of the "Old School BBC" class

  • Satanus


    Here is a nother little detail of that experience. While i was waiting in line, i did a little chanting. I kept saying the word 'god' over and over, slowly, under my breath. I did that, because god was what i wanted. Whatever happens seems to be a two way thing, though i had no expectations, and i did not plan on falling. As i said, i rarely fell. I think i may have faked it on another occasion.

    Get back, you ghost busters!!


  • gumby


    Damn! If Benny Hill could get those girls to pass out.....he'd have it made!

    Edited by - Gumby on 11 October 2002 17:36:39

  • TresHappy

    Benny Hinn was a protege of the late evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman. Want to see some weird stuff? Just look at some of her taped crusades on TBN. She used to wear long shroud type dresses, reminded of Lily Munster.

  • heathen

    lol @ valis . I love benny hill . ewwweeeeeeeeeeee

  • jst2laws


    You are good with the pictures. I came here looking for a story about Benny Hill too. This Benny Hinn could never come close to matching the entertainment quality of Benny Hill, even though both did a good job with low paid acters.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well, I was involved with movements associated with the Benny Hinn movement for a good while. And I can tell you i fell down, and I roared with "Holy Laughter" along with everyone else.Of Course, they have "plants" in the audience to get the "laughter" going. When I was there the initiating plant was a big fat lady who screamed with hysterical laughter and wobbled all over. Nothing is more infectious than laughter of this kind. Ive got a lot of video recordings of the proceedings with some very wierd manifestations going on, people falling rigid to the floor screaming Hallelujah for 2 minutes without drawing a breathe. People staggering about and incapable of speech.People shaking all over like they are a rat in a dogs mouth being thrown about. But, fact is, I never saw ANYTHING that wasnt do able by someone who chose to do it.If you want to work yourself into a sweaty lather and shake all over, you can. Its just a matter of choice.

    With regard to the "falling". I have fallen myself. Not only at Pentecostal Chgurch meetings, but also at New Age Saucer cult meetings. They do use techniques to "encourage" the falling. First theres the "expectation" of falling. If you are in a meeting with 7000 other people all laid on the floor laughing hysterically, you might as well join in. But they do things like surround you with people, these people may take turns speaking, all from different directions around you. If your eyes are closed, this DOES cause a sense of slight disorientation, and it can make you WOBBLE on your feet. Once you are wobbling, youre halfway to falling over. The people may pray in unison, all gabbling at once in their own personal "spirit voice", some loud, some imploring, some excited. This can cause disorientation as well.

    As well, I have fallen at a Saucer group on numerous occassions. My eyes were closed and a guy snuck up behind me with a tiny gong which resonated a long time after he struck it. He shifted the gong around, behind one ear, close, then slowly drawing it away to a distance of a few feet. The result of this is that you tend to sway towards the gong. Then he got in front of me and did it the opposite direction . I was over before you could say "Holy Holy Spirit Batman"

    Edited by - refiners fire on 12 October 2002 2:57:37

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