: There are modern geologists that agree with a global flood. Would you like me to list some of them for you with their credentials
Yes, please do. Simply put, you are a total moron if you think that someone who calls himself a geologist and believes in a flood is evidence that the field of Geology accepts the possibility of a flood. Yo wit, I know clergymen who believe in evolution. So does that prove that evolution is a fact? Mayeb it proves that evolution is consistent with belief in God? Do you buy that, or is your argument only valid when it suits your own purposes?
The whole field of genomics relies on the assumption that we evolved - so there's another example of how religious belief would have held back progress were it given free rein
When Jesus was up on the mountain top, how could the devil show him all the kingdoms of the earth unless the earth were flat. What does dwelling in the center of the earth mean? Or are you going to parrot that WTS nonsense about "circle" "carrying the meaning of sphere."?
It makes me feel bad, pomegranate that you are so emotionally incapable of accepting reality - but that's the fact of the matter. You see, personally I don't care whether we evolved or we were made by an alien from a can of instant human powder. All anyone can do is assess the evidence and come to the best conclusion we can. Or are you subscribing that evolution is an excuse cooked up so that people can indulge themselves in unchristian acts?
ps: how did kangaroos get to Australia and why are there none elsewhere?