Creation: The big and the small of it

by Zechariah 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah


    since when are we discussing whether to believe in god or not? it was always about the believe in the bible. no one says god cannot to believe the universe has a deeper meaning is not unscientific...its just a choice of believe - with neither evidence for nor against it

    Nice try Realist. You just changed your position on the issue of creation and tried to cop out with the ridiculous question you asked.

    Who's thread is this anyway. The topic of my thread is most definitely does the creator (God) exist. Everything else you said is most accurate. You need to admit that is not what you've been saying up to now.


  • gumby


    I believe God created the physical world to mirror the condition the spiritual world was in when he began creating the physical things. Good and Bad.

    For instance: cute little doggie = Good/Domestic mirrors Good/Angel. Big bad wolf = Bad/Wild/ mirrors Bad/Demon.

    No one can deny if God created everything, He PURPOSELY created a world filled with good and bad.

    My God! You believe that shit? I was having a tiny bit of respect for your posts until I read this.

    He purposely filled a world with good and bad? Then piss on your God whoever he is. You are one sick puppy.

  • Realist


    i never said god cannot exist. i never said this universe was not perhaps created. what i said was that god - if he exists - does not interfere with the world. the world is following the physical laws - whether they are the result of intelligent design or of chance. there is NO evidence that a higher power interefered after the universe came into existence.

    i personally view it as more likely that the physical laws of the universe were not the result of intelligent design becuase there is simply too much wrong with this universe - but that is my opinion and not scientific fact.

    scientific fact is however, that there is no spirit changing the world in any way.

  • Gedanken


    So it's OK for you to insult people like Francois but you don't like being insulted yourself. Just like you don't care to accept, or comment on, the argument that because someone who believes in God - even a cleric - may also accept evolution, then that indicates that evolution is consistent with belief in God.

    You have yet to demonstrate that the individuals you named did their work _because_ they believed in God; perhaps they believed in God simply because, at that time, pretty much everyone believed in God. Nor did you tell me what you know about Mr. Kelvin and his estimates for the age of the Earth.

    However, the original question I raised is whether Geology (note the capital G - that means the modern scientific field of Geology) is consistent with a Noachian Flood - or whether it rejects it flat out. I argued that the modern field of Geology is absolutely inconsistent with the idea of a flood. And it is. You have presented a list of names of people who have degrees in geology perhaps, and who have written scientific papers, and, who, you claim believe in a flood or at least Creation.

    Very nice but absolutely dishonest (or stupid - you take your pick) - now your task is to produce papers written by these people in professional Geology publications that make the case for the flood - or which base their conclusions on the idea of a Noachain flood about 4000 years ago. Only if you can do that can you establish that the modern field of Geology considers the flood to be a credible possibility. Otherwise all you have shown is that some people can get degrees in a field and still not understand that field - and we all know that.

    For example, I know personally an organic chemist who writes for one of the Creationist outfits. One of the people you cite works for the Geoscience Research Institute - a well known Creationist outfit that has zero scientific credibility. Another is at Bryan College which is Christian college.

    To argue that these people are part of the scientific field of Geology is nonsensical.

    Actually you are making a very common logical mistake - the resort to authority - except those you resort to have no credibility in Geology. Of cousre, you'll argue that mainstream Geology is miseld. Well, whether it is or it isn't, mainstream Geology is the scientific field of Geology and it rejects the flood. Totally and unequivocally. It is only your distance from even the semblance of educated thought that make syou unable to distinguish between having a PhD and being credible. That isn't an insult by the way.

    You have demonstrated precisely nothing and you still haven't told me how Kangaroos got to Australia.


    Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:48:43

    Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:49:43

    Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:51:56

  • pomegranate

    The whole physical world is one big symbolic metaphor of the spiritual world.

    As in heaven so on earth.

    That's what I believe.

    I was having a tiny bit of respect for your posts until I read this.

    Sure you were.

    He purposely filled a world with good and bad?


    Then piss on your God whoever he is. You are one sick puppy.

    Let's see. He purposely created you to create crap that you must excrete. And you do. You have no choice but to create WASTE. Stinky smelly WASTE. Is crap "good" gumby? Go ahead, tell me crap is good. God created YOU do generate it. And urine too. Is urine GOOD gumby?

    He created you to have PAIN. Is pain GOOD gumby?

    He created you to HUNGER for food. Is that Good?

    He created YOU a slave to your body. You are NOTHING but an addict to the whim of the flesh. Is that Good?

    It is ALL good and bad...just as everthing God has made.

    Yet, God said it was all VERY GOOD, even though there was "BAD" from the physical point of view.

  • Gedanken


    :He purposely created you to create crap that you must excrete. And you do. You have no choice but to create WASTE. Stinky smelly WASTE. Is crap "good" gumby?

    The pinnacle of rational Christian thought and argumentation. Excretion being on a par in badness with the black death. It is amazing that anyone able to ascend such heights of critical thinking is simultaneously able to type or log on to the computer needed to do that - or do you have a helper?

    But it's my own fault for trying to debate a creature with the intellect of a three-month old baboon.

  • StinkyPantz

    Can't we all just get along?

  • pomegranate
    So it's OK for you to insult people like Francois but you don't like being insulted yourself.

    Mr Ged, me and Frank have tallied back and forth at times in jest...what I said to him was NOT an insult and if you read his post, his reply was a jest right back and he took it exactly as I dealt it. Tell tale sign? The tongue out smiley at the end of his post. I mean, I'm quite sure that's Frank's to chime in Frank?

    You have yet to demonstrate that the individuals you named did their work _because_ they believed in God; perhaps they believed in God simply because, at that time, pretty much everyone believed in God. Nor did you tell me what you know about Mr. Kelvin and his estimates for the age of the Earth.

    I don't have to demonstrate ANYTHING. I posted those individuals who are known for their integrity to science and their highly qualified credentials while at the same time believing in God.

    Who gives a crap about what Kelvin hypothesised? Every single one of those men were wrong in something, and their scientific disciplines were ALL further refined and defined by their post understudies.

    However, the original question I raised is whether Geology (note the capital G - that means the modern scientific field of Geology) is consistent with a Noachian Flood. I argued that the modern field of Geology is absolutely inconsistent with the idea of a flood. And it is. You have presented a list of names of people who have degrees in geology perhaps, and who have written scientific papers, and, who, you claim believe in a flood or at least Creation.

    Please note, my area of pertinent interest is NOT Geology. I really have NO interest in that science at all. I asked if you would like well qualified individuals that I knew of who were Geologists and Bible believers and I did so. Each and every one of them can be researched as they are not just CHUMPS. Geology is no different than any other science. There are believers and unbelievers. Simple.

    Very nice but absolutely dishonest (or stupid - you take your pick) - now your task is to produce papers written by these people in professional Geology publications that make the case for the flood - or which base their conclusions on the idea of a Noachain flood about 4000 years ago.

    Right. That's YOUR task. I have no reason to defend my position to the likes of you. You have more than aptly shown what type of a debater you, I gave you the names, you do the homework.

    Only if you can do that can you establish that the modern field of Geology considers the flood to be a credible possibility. Otherwise all you have shown is that some people can get degrees in a field and still not understand that field - and we all know that.

    Your what I call a blah blah blah.

    For example, I know personally an organic chemist who writes for one of the Creationist outfits. One of the people you cite works for the Geoscience Research Institute - a well known Creationist outfit that has zero scientific credibility. Another is at Bryan College which is Christian college.

    More blah blah blah. Words of slight and defaming with NOTHING to back them up.

    To argue that these people are part of the scientific field of Geology is nonsensical.

    Oh, just because YOU say so. Oh shit, the doctor has spoken.

    Actually you are making a very common logical mistake - the resort to authority - except those you resort to have no credibility in Geology.

    Oh sure, make up something AFTER I come up with the goods. Funny you didn't have that answer BEFORE I listed the names. Actually, I believe it is you that is dodging the bullet of embarrassment.

    Of cousre, you'll argue that mainstream Geology is miseld.

    Now he can even say what I'm going to say before I say it. As I said before, I couldn't care less about Geology. So me argiung the gory details is moot.

    Well, whether it is or it isn't, mainstream Geology is the scientific field of Geology and it rejects the flood.

    Some Geologists do and some don't. You choose one, I choose the other, Big deal.

    Totally and unequivocally. It is only your distance from even the semblance of educated thought that make syou unable to distinguish between having a PhD and being credible. That isn't an insult by the way.

    No it's a blatant lie. So you're a liar now. Doesn't surprise me at all.

    You have demonstrated precisely nothing and you still haven't told me how Jangaroos got to Australia.

    New species?

    Edited by - pomegranate on 23 October 2002 20:14:19

  • pomegranate

    The man who lobs insults is the man that can't debate.

  • rem

    The PhD Hall of Shame:

    • Duane Gish, PhD - Intelligent Designer
    • Ken Cumming, PhD - Creationist
    • David Dewitt, PhD - Creationist
    • Todd C. Wood, PhD - Creationist
    • Bert Thompson, PhD - Creationist
    • David Menton, PhD - Creationist
    • Joseph A. Mastrapaolo, PhD - Creationist
    • Carl B. Fliermans, PhD - Creationist
    • Ian G. Macreadie, PhD - Creationist
    • Andre Eggen, PhD - Creationist
    • Richard Boyland, PhD - UFOologist
    • Jeffery Mishlove, PhD - Remote Viewing, Parapsychology, Psychic Healing, etc.
    • A. K. Johnstone, PhD - UFOologist, General Conspiracy Theorist
    • Barry E. Taff, PhD - Parapsychology, UFOologist
    • Eltjo Haselhoff, PhD - Crop Circles
    • David Castelluccio, PhD - Crop Circles
    • Simeon Hein, PhD - Crop Circles, Remote Viewing
    • John Bindernagel, PhD - Bigfoot
    • Michael Daniels, PhD - Remote Viewing, Parapsychology, ESP
    • Charles T. Tart, PhD - Parapsychology, Psychic Healing, etc.
    • James L. Oschman, PhD - Psychic Healing, Parapsychology
    • Stanley Krippner, PhD - Psychic Healing, Parapsychology
    • Jessica Utts, PhD - Parapsychology, Remote Viewing, ESP, etc.

    And the list goes on and on and on....


    Smart people certainly can be deluded.


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