What Era Would You Like To Have Lived In?

by DakotaRed 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    See the Lyin' Eyes thread above.

    There are several:

    Cherokee Indian prior to 1492.
    To be in my twenties in 1940, and a nuclear physicist
    To have been a Rhett Butler type and dead before the Civil War.
    To have been a Pharoh.
    To have been a young man in Nazareth contemporary with The Master.

    I was a top 40 disc jockey and in college in the 60s. Scooter, you missed it. It was grand in the main. Pick up the movie "Joe" as it is a pretty good representation of the times. And I do remember the "before birth control" part. Boy do I remember. We didn't let it get in our way though.


  • scootergirl

    francios.......for some reason, that era just "speaks" to me. I watch shows/documentaries on television and can imagine myself right there! Damn......I was born too late.

    Me and jw got to get to that time machine and take a trip! LOL

  • Undecided

    Hi Lew,

    I lived in those years and I still love the way things were then. I was a JW but life was so different back in those times, even for JWs. Almost all of my family who I remember so well during those years are dead now. I had a great childhood and can still remember the music of those years. My aunt had an old record player that used the old 78 rpm records that would break if you dropped them. I remember in later years while I still was a kid we found some of them in an old shed and we sailed them through the air and broke most of them. I sure would like to have them now.

    Ken P.

  • Mulan

    I would like to have lived in a great manor house, in England in the 1700's or 1800's. Lady of the house of course, with lots of money.

  • DakotaRed

    Ken and Larc, I was born in 1948 and can remember the 50s pretty well. Things were different by then, but I remember we still had an old ice box, the type that took a block of ice in top. I can still remember seing the ice truck parked and climbing in the back and sitting on the ice during the summer, it got pretty hot in South Florida. Of course, the ice man wasn't too happy when he caught us, either

    I really appreciate and enjoy the modern conveniences, but in many regards, things seemd better back then, in the regards that people seemed to care more about each other and were more trustworthy. Maybe they weren't, but it just seemed that way.

    On old radio programs, last year, I found and downloaded a copy of the radio broadcast of Red River, same as the movie, that John Wayne and Walter Brennan did on the radio.

    Scooter, I was a teen during the 60s myself. I too heard of the free love, but for some reason, couldn't find it. I wanted to go to Woodstock myself, but was on the wrong side of the Big Pond (Pacific Ocean) to make it. I never had long hair until after the Army, but often considered myself a plain clothes hippie. The so called peach protests, well, we won't go into those. Sometimes, they were a bit more violent, from both sides, than peaceful. I still have most all of my old 33 1/3 records from that era and have converted most to CDs now. And, I see that bell bottoms are making a big comeback today. The 60s were also one of the more turbulent decades of the century. I'm just glad I survived them. I lost too many friends, either to Vietnam or to drug overdoses back in the states. Other than a minor flirtation with pot, I never really got into the drug scene, but too many others did.

    If I were ever actually able to travel back to my era that I'm drawn too, I'm afraid they wouldn't be as romantic as I envison them, though. So, I'll stay here and be content with what I do have.

    Lew W

  • WildHorses

    What a great post! I often used to think of this myself. If I had my choice I would love to have lived in the mid to late 1800'S I love the Victorian time period.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I've always been facinated by the American Civil War era. I would love to travel back in time to Washington DC during that era and see with my own eyes the "Blue and the Gray". Perhaps even catch a glimpse of "Father Abraham" and see what he really looked like. The photo's from that era did him no justice from what I understand. Even though it was a terrible time in history, It certainly changed the way of life for everyone.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    You all seem to think the past was just like the movies. You seem to overlook all the bad things of the past. Slavery. Wars, famines. Women basically were property of their husbands, most of them died giving birth. No indoor plumbing. As witnesses, we were always being told how we were living in one of the worst times in history, and that man would probably destroy himself if God didn't step in. What a load of crap. Me, I want to live in an era somewhere in the future, where we are not stuck here on one little planet. Do you realize how may medical advances are coming along very shortly? Our grandkids will live to be at least 100, and probably longer. They will colonize Mars, and move out past our solar system.

    Assuming the whole planet doesn't get wiped out by nukes or an asteriod.

  • Solace

    Lilacs & Mulan,

    I would say I agree but life was so hard back then. There were no conveniences, the women worked so hard. Those clothes were beautiful but to have to squeeze into those corsets everyday. Yikes! Asphyxiation! I love everything Victiorian but I dont think I would have wanted to live back then.

    The 60s appeal to me, a little restricting but they just seems so cute and Leave it to Beaver ya' know?

    I was a teen in the 80's. Although I was a witness growing up, I did manage to have some fun. I think I helped the hair spray companies stay in buisness, loved that Aqua net!

    Agreeing with No apoligies, we are fortionate to have all the modern conveniences and medical advancements we have today. But then again, thinking of the quality of life at 100 years old, Im not sure I want to live quite that long, ya know?

    Edited by - heaven on 27 October 2002 12:24:54

  • LyinEyes

    Francois, said something that has always been something I would love to do also.

    Walk the same ground with Jesus , and see and hear all he did. Wouldnt it be nice to time travel back to a certain day , just to have one more day with someone you love, even if you couldnt change history, just to see them one more time?

    I went to a wax museum one time and they had a whole room of Jesus giving the Sermon on the mount, his arms out streached and you could push a button and hear His words. There were paintings on the wall and fake trees to make it look as real as possible. There were big rocks you could sit on and look right at the wax Jesus. For just a moment, I pretended it was really Him, and it then , that I realized how awesome it would be to really just touch the real Jesus.

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