Does anyone have a clue as to how elders actually get appointed?
The Secret Way Elders Are Actually Appointed
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
I always assumed it was a popularity contest....will be interesting to know.
The body of elders discusses the nominee then a vote is taken. The Circuit Overseer of course is involved in the process. No "secret goings on".
The lady of the lake, clad in shimmering gossamer lobs a bloody sword at them. Thus evidencing divine providence.
The elders moniter whoever is up for the role, theocratic enough? On the service enough? etc..when the CO comes along they discuss the brother in question, the vote is cast. Its got nothing to do with "holy spirit" its a cast of votes.
eenie meenie minie moe....catch an elder by his toe....and if the train should jump the track, give me my contribution back!
Often it comes down to who you kissed up too, or who knows about what you are doing. Meaning, you could be the most righteous man in the congregation, but if the right people do not see. You will not move up! Second, you need to ask for things to do and then the elder body will take a closer look at you and decide if they want to give you responsibilities. If they do, they will watch to see how you handle them and whether or not you are wanting more, or complaining. Next they will take a close look at your field service time, as that is where the leadership needs to start in the societies opinion. If those hours are good, your are reaching out, then they make you a Ministerial Servant through a recommendation to the GB during the CO's visit. Supposedly these names are prayed over, and then appointed. It's urban legend that anyone gets turned down, although someone always says they "heard of one time!" Next when it is mailed back with the approval they pull you aside and ask if their is any reason why you should not be a MS. If you say no, they announce your appointment in "local announcements" and your now a servant. Next they will assign you duties as a servant, to which they watch you again. You will accompany elders on sheparding calls, you will be asked to organize a few things, and basically do the same as the elders. Except no main meetings, or decisions. When you are ready, or the elder body thinks you are ready they will give you a public talk outline. You will often give a few of these before appointment to elder. Again, hours in service mean the most. They will then appoint you the same way as the MS, and announce you as a elder if you say yes. From their you can then be assigned headship of certain departments. I have seen congregations with so many elders, they actually had men assigned to keeping the bathrooms in check. At the same time, I have seen some with so few. The elders did a little bit of everything.
Hope that answered your question.
The following are looked at (all of which the individual has been making sure all the elders are aware of)
Meeting attendance
Field ministry at national average
Participates in ministry school (it would be nice if he is proficient)
Shows up and completes assignments (microphones, stage, sound, attendant, WT reader, magazines, accounts, territories, literature, cleaning KH)
Studies with minor children and takes in field service
Wife (If JW) participates in school, field service, dressed and groomed properly, comments at meetings, takes of children properly, would be nice if she were regular pioneer
Looks out after older ones and discouraged ones.
None of the above.
Does exactly what he is told to do by the older elders.
I have posted on this before ... but essentially, when the meeting of Elders is held just prior to the CO visit, we discuss the next appointments ... but, what surprised me was that we did not really follow the noble procedures recommended in the OR book ... rather, it went something like this ...
PO, Elder Sam: Anyone have any recommendations?
TMSO, Elder Bob: Nope, can't think of anyone at the moment.
SO, Elder Chuck: Well, I was thinking about Mike, he's been doing pretty good with the literature, and Aux pioneered a lot this year ... showing a lot of maturity ...
PO: Yep, Mike's a good kid ... but I think he needs mnore time ...
Secretary, Elder Jim: How much time? Maybe 6 months, and then reconsider again?
PO: Yep, that sounds about right. Any other recommendations?
BS Conductor Elder: Well, Larry has been overlooked a long time. He has served all his life in the Truth ... Pioneered, and has a good stable family life ... he is faithful in meetings, service, and really a good example ... and throws a great summer party ... you know ... positive with all the friends ...
PO: Yep, Ole Larry is a good guy, but he does not have any teaching ability ... otherwise, I have no concerns ...
SO: Hmmm ... well, if we don't assign him any out of town talks ... or Public talks ... then he is really a qualified elder ....
TMSO: True ... but, maybe he needs to work on his teaching skills a little more ... lets reviusit him in another six months.
Secretary: Well, there Glenn ... he and his wife have pioneered for three years ... and they are sterling examples ... he has really grown a lot ...
PO: Yep, Glenn has really grown up. I remember when he was a kid ... he was a real trouble maker ... then he served at Bethel ... Pioneered ... and he is setting a great example ... I vote for him ... any objections.
No objections: okay then, Glenn is it.
Old Elder Ed: Now what about Harry. He was an Elder in Florida and moved here a year ago ... he continues to be a good example as an MS ... we really didn't have to wait to reappoint him under the new rules ...
SO: Well, yes, but his wife is not as active as she should be and it might set a bad example ... and I don't like the fact that he owns a tanning parlor.
PO: Ahhh, well true ... let's double check with the CO about Harry.
CO Visit:
You men are idiots:
Glenn is too young ...needs more time. Let's wait on him six months.
You men should have appointed Harry the month he got here ... he has a glowing recommendation from his previous congregation ... and I know the CO Dave who serves in Florida ... why if the men in his circuit recommend him, then he must be good ... his wife's actions are of no account ... what if she were worldly?
SO: Well, we thought that his family has to be a good example.
CO: Then you need to remove Jehovah God because Satan his son messed up.
SO: Well, we would like to observe him a little longer.
CO: Okay, I'll trust you men, but I think you are mistaken.
This year, no Elder appointments, and only two MS appointments ... real life experience. That is essentially how it happens ... when I questioned this the CO stated that the appointment period need not be lengthy, since we are observing, monitoring, studying, praying, and evaluating a man all year long ... so our official meeting is a breif confirmation ...
True, but it seemed to be based on a lot of terms like, "A little more time" ... or "A good man, throws a great party" ... or "He's real mature, he comments regularly" ... mmmmmm
Yep, a real spirit-directed arrangement.
PS: Yes, I was the idiot Elder Jim who recommended another six months ... why? ... because I was new, didn't know what I was doing ... had my head up my ass ... and tried to say something elder-like ... and they bought it ... that is the JW Elder arrangement ... true, as time moves on things get more serious and refined for more experienced Elders ... and I was affected this way as well ... but the underlying practive never really changes ... in fact, the SO was a life long JW and very experienced elder, the PO likewise ... later removed for pedophilia ... etc., ad infinitum ...
Edited by - Amazing on 28 October 2002 21:28:57
I remember as a kid, looking over at my dads papers at the meeting, and seeing notes from a meeting on who to have as new elders. I remember one guy, with his name crossed out, with a note saying too young.
I remember thinking that paper was much more interesting than the meeting.