A young man from the mountains of West Virginia, having turned 18, decided to go to the big city to seek his fortune. He said a tearful farewell to his pappy and caught the train to New York, where he eventually found work with the firm of Goldfarb, Goldstein, Goldberg and Goldblum. He and his pappy wrote letters back and forth occasionally, but 15 years passed before the son made a trip back home for a visit.
His pappy, older now, grey-headed and grey-bearded, met him at the train station with tears of joy and a big welcoming hug. As they walked to pappy's pickup, he said, "Yew know, son, ah was afraid yew wuz gonna git up thar in th' big city and take up them high-falutin' big city ways, and fergit all aboutcher family back hyear, and yer raisin'."
The son replied consolingly, "Dun't vorrying about dis. Vunce a hillbilly, alvays a hillbilly."