In case no one answered the question, gammon is ham. We found that out in a pub in Avebury in '96.
We had some friends years ago, (JWs) who would fill a punchbowl with eggnog, a bottle of rum, and put whipped cream on the top. Then we would play board games or cards, for hours. I could only drink one or maybe two. I was amazed that they drank cup after cup after cup. I was not tipsy, just full!! It was SO good, but also VERY filling. I still can only drink a little eggnog. But, in latte's, it goes a long way.
At Christmas time, I bake Gingerbread boys and girls and my grandkids come over to help decorate them. They love it and so do I!! We have such a great time. They really love it. We poke holes in them and put ribbon through the holes so they can hang them on their trees at home.
I have thought of doing a Gingerbread house, but so far am afraid to try it. I saw one made with graham crackers that looked do-able though. I may try it.
I bake all kinds of Christmas cookies, and some look really neat. Most are a mess, but I have fun. I wish I didn't like to eat them so much.
I also make fruitcakes. Yes, we really like them too!! Last year I made about 8 of them. One of my JW girlfriends bought all the stuff to make them and brought it over so I could make a bunch of them for her. She misses them a lot. I soak them in Brandy. I just realized I had better get started buying the stuff to make them. They need to soak for about 3 weeks.
Princess makes a Prime Rib dinner every year, and we go there to eat. This year it will be Christmas Eve because on Christmas Day we ALL fly to Hawaii for two weeks. I hope Osama doesn't get any ideas about our airline.
Edited by - mulan on 17 November 2002 21:3:2