Favorite XMas Foods and Drink

by blondie 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Iggy, that sounds a little like bread pudding which is a little more solid with raisins and cinnamon. There is a hard sauce (sweet and lemony) that I put over mine.

    It is nice to have food that reminds us of good times (besides tasting good). Carbs make us feel better (sugars do too but usually dump us flat on our face in short order).

    Customs differ, which is good.

    Well it's off to the store to get my first fix of egg nog.


  • Yerusalyim

    Come now! Proper Bread pudding MUST have raisins and should be served with a vanilla sauce. I guess if you're REALLY Weird lemon sauce will do. NEVER< EVER drizzle bread pudding with ANYTHING chocolate. Trust me!

  • Scarlet

    Wow everything sounds wonderful. I want christmas food now.

  • Beans

    Beer, Rye, Stuffing and getting laid on Christmas morning after the gifts!


    Canadian District Overbeer


  • Mulan

    In case no one answered the question, gammon is ham. We found that out in a pub in Avebury in '96.

    We had some friends years ago, (JWs) who would fill a punchbowl with eggnog, a bottle of rum, and put whipped cream on the top. Then we would play board games or cards, for hours. I could only drink one or maybe two. I was amazed that they drank cup after cup after cup. I was not tipsy, just full!! It was SO good, but also VERY filling. I still can only drink a little eggnog. But, in latte's, it goes a long way.

    At Christmas time, I bake Gingerbread boys and girls and my grandkids come over to help decorate them. They love it and so do I!! We have such a great time. They really love it. We poke holes in them and put ribbon through the holes so they can hang them on their trees at home.

    I have thought of doing a Gingerbread house, but so far am afraid to try it. I saw one made with graham crackers that looked do-able though. I may try it.

    I bake all kinds of Christmas cookies, and some look really neat. Most are a mess, but I have fun. I wish I didn't like to eat them so much.

    I also make fruitcakes. Yes, we really like them too!! Last year I made about 8 of them. One of my JW girlfriends bought all the stuff to make them and brought it over so I could make a bunch of them for her. She misses them a lot. I soak them in Brandy. I just realized I had better get started buying the stuff to make them. They need to soak for about 3 weeks.

    Princess makes a Prime Rib dinner every year, and we go there to eat. This year it will be Christmas Eve because on Christmas Day we ALL fly to Hawaii for two weeks. I hope Osama doesn't get any ideas about our airline.

    Edited by - mulan on 17 November 2002 21:3:2

  • blondie

    Yes, Mulan, fruitcakes are very good when fresh and soaked in brandy. It's that proverbial fruitcake that has been passed around the family as a gift that is only good for a door stop.

    I love ginger cookies of any shape.

    And it is always fun to make cookies with Grandma.

    Blondie (wishing she had a ginger cookie right now)

  • TresHappy

    Does anyone remember eating that candy called divinity? I remember eating that as a kid and loving it. I haven't had that stuff in years. Maybe I will find a recipe and make some while I am off for 3 weeks during Christmas!

  • scootergirl

    Isn't divinity that white fluffy stuff that kinda melts in your mouth?

  • Scully

    I love making cookies...... this year I tried a German traditional recipe for Pfeffernusse. They are hard gingerbread type candies with a bit of lemony flavor to them. The store bought ones are nice, but homemade are to die for!

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    Scully, I remember pfeffernusse. We always had them with tea at our tea parties. It makes me think of mein grossmutter.


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