A Question to all men out there

by sunshineToo 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Let's say you are out with your girlfriend/wife for a nice lunch in a nice restaurant. Then, all of sudden she is in pain!!! Well, she is having her monthly thing. What would you do?

    1. Go to the nearest drug store and get a bottle of Midol

    2. Keep asking, "Honey, are you OK?" and show sympathy.

    3. Try to ignore her suffering and carry on with conversation on other matters.

    4. Complain to her that she should have stayed at home and that she is ruinning your day.

  • Robdar


    Are you taking a consensus to impress upon your boyfriend/husband what other men would do in this situation?


  • troucul

    none of the above...i'd just leave

  • alfie

    It doesn't matter what we would do, it would be wrong anyway.


  • troucul

    true dat, that's why I would leave. An old friend once told me, if you followed through on a promise to a woman that you would die for them, they would still ask ;'ok but what else would you do for me'?

  • Mac




  • SpannerintheWorks

    My wife isn't dumb enough to not know when her period is due, and would have pain-killers on her, usually.

    If not, I'd ask a waitress for some.

    Hope this has helped answer your "question."

    BTW, why are you asking?


  • LB

    Alfie is correct.

    The only time I ever know my wife is having a period is if I try to have sex. She keeps her discomfort to herself.

    On the other hand I know a 'sister' that actually had a hysterectomy because she was sick of having periods and the resulting discomfort. I'm sure she's found other things to whine about now though.

  • moman

    I would be as cheerful as I could, get her home (make sure she had plenty of supplies), get her comfortable, then.............................. GET THE HELL OUT-A-THERE!

  • Francois

    I would like to add an observation only tangentially related to this for your consideration.

    Women, as we have seen, are consumed with interest in their five days of hormonal disturbances once a month. And of course, being jerked around by chemicals in your blood like that can't be much fun.

    HOWEVER. Men, I submit, are jerked around by hormones, chemicals in their blood, EVERY DAY THAT ROLLS and do we get any sympathy for it from the women? NOOOOoooooo. We don't. What do we get? "Damn men. Can't think of anything else. Always on the make. Thinking with their little heads (well at least we're thinking with SOMETHING)." Now, I axe you...AM I RIGHT? Am I? Is there any difference? We're both sexes jerked around by hormones, right? Women for five or so days, right? Men, every day, right?

    What does all this tell you?

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