this boy is smart enough not to reply to this thread........oops.....never mind
A Question to all men out there
by sunshineToo 66 Replies latest jw friends
Before I answer that.God said to Adam,"Adam I want you to give Eve a hug.Adam asked God,'What"s a hug?God told him,so he went and gave Eve a hug.Later,Adam told God that he gave Eve a hug and it felt good.God then told Adam to give Eve a kiss.Adam asked God,What's a kiss?God told him ,so he went and gave Eve a kiss.Later,Adam told God that he gave Eve a kiss and it felt good.God then told Adam to make love to Eve.Adam asked God,what's to make love?God told him,so he went to make love to Eve.Later,Adam asked God,what's a headache?-----------------Now, to answer your question After 34yrs of marriage: Show concern and ask her what would she like to do.Then, no matter what her response was,you take her home immediately.BTW.I once offered my wife two aspirins.She asked me what they were for.I told her that they were for her headache.She said that she didn"t have a headache.SOOOO! I said good, " lets make love!" Blueblades
5. Nod, and keep your mouth
Well um guys.. you are certainly not coming across as GENTS. When some one you claim to care about is in pain, is this truly how you will act ? Just joke it off. Not all systems revolve around an exact time clock. Even regular ( as in always having a period at the same time every month..etc)women can go off cycle. Dumb, I think not. Let's see how well you would do with something like this. I am not being crude here but... springing a leak at the most in- opportune time is not my ideal of fun. Combine that with pain and suffering.. then to top it off. You have a person who acts like a ass or even worse tries to joke it off. Come on... I don't think the women you love would have stayed this long with you, if there was not some quaility some where.
Needless to say, that pain, it could be something else too. Miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, or rupture ( which is life threating) .. any of these things could be going on. AND your repsonse is .. this ? Will your embarassment or lack of understanding cause someone more pain. b/c you are embarassed ? That is how this joking is coming across as. That you are embarassed by this subject and rather than give a serious answer.. you joke it off.
I would tell you what my husband does, I know this for facts because he has done it before. If I am in pain .. he will help me. Screw the cafe and its patrons,they are not the ones in pain or need help. It doesn't matter that this situation happened in a public place.. it is a part of life. He would get me out of there, get me home ( or to the doctor if needed). Make sure I have all necessary supplies ( and will phone the doctor if medication is needed.) The food, the place all can go to pot for all he would care. Things, can be replaced. You can always attend another sports bar or pub or eatery. But you cannot replace the person you love.
When I was hemmoraging he took me to the hospital. They thought I was miscarrying, luckily I was not. I never seen my husband look so worried or sad.. when they were rolling me in for an ultra-sound. He shows an interest in my health and well being. An will ask questions to the doctor too. He has suprised many of a doctor.. by being at my side for certain appointments. ( Of course he kids with them.. by jokingly asking if he could borrow the room and table for a bit.. )
But it shows me that he does care about these things. His mother did a good job raising him. Even if it was by herself..To me, not caring what others think and helping me, that is more manly than acting embarassed or ashamed of this type of situation. My husband will always be sexy just for that.
This scenario has happened to me. I asked for doggie bags for the meal and the check, paid the bill and went straight home and let her go to bed.
I agree with elsewhere, it would be extremely selfish of me to try to pretend she wasn't in discomfort.
As far as the monthly thing goes, when you're a guy in a house full of females, you can't win. One of them is always having their cycle. So, you keep a low profile and lock up the guns
Lew W
BTW.I once offered my wife two aspirins.She asked me what they were for.I told her that they were for her headache.She said that she didn"t have a headache.SOOOO! I said good, " lets make love!"
To which she answered..........but honey, I may not have a headache, but I am on the rag. -
Big Tex
Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself. --Roseanne
Ok how about this one ...
Let's say you are out with your girlfriend/wife for a nice lunch in a nice restaurant. Then, all of sudden she is in pain!!! Well, she is having her monthly thing. What would you do?
She's obviously taking you for a ride getting you to take her to a nice expensive restaurant when you are not going to 'get any'. Walk out ...
You know this is a joke ... right ?
*gets out the popcorn and gets ready for when Angharad reads what Simon just wrote*
Pass the popcorn, Pris.
Oh dear, oh dear!