Time to go home when something like that happens. It would be very selfish of a man to demand that she stay out while in pain.
A Question to all men out there
by sunshineToo 66 Replies latest jw friends
show sympathy and bring her home (with a pitstop for the midol )
under the circumstances, I would ask whats wrong. Then I would shut my mouth and only answer when she spoke to me.
Based on that points system that was posted yesterday, you couldn't do anything right, whatever you did!!!
If I were a man, I would choose 4.
But since I'm not, I would expect the man that is with me to show lots of sympathy, to have a kind face that says 'I feel your pain' and who will excuse himself while he goes to collect the car and parks it outside the front door, so that I don't have too far to walk.
I pick 5, Honey have you gained weight?
I still say....
boys are dumb
Wild Turkey, Don't forget I have a voodoo doll,,,,,,,,,,, and I know how to use it.
I wish upon you the worst cramps that any woman ever had, and no you can't have any of my Midol, or the heating pad, or your precious beer.........you must take it like a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only you guys could have that feeling of your guts being ripped out JUST ONCE.... I would feel so much better................. Just think of that once a month for 40 yrs or so.........NOT FAIR!!!!!I
I agree with my sista,,,,XenaW......boys are dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only you guys could have that feeling of your guts being ripped out JUST ONCE- LyinEyes
We do know this feeling it happens right after we say I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!