What does all this tell you?
Kick the shit out of the next hormone you meet!
by sunshineToo 66 Replies latest jw friends
What does all this tell you?
Kick the shit out of the next hormone you meet!
What does all this tell you?
That boys are dumb??
Get to work!
If it was my girlfriend, I'd be appropriately sympathetic. However, if it was my wife, I'd probably just leave her to it.
Seriously though, I'd just be sympathetic and try to be cheerful, take her mind off it a bit.
To the horror of the other diners I'd ask her to go lie on the floor with her legs up against the wall ..."L" (S'posed to work)
or ask for a wacking hot water bottle to accompany the meal....
Most likely though ide prescribe to number 2 on your list
Edited by - Brummie on 18 November 2002 14:48:24
This situation would never happen to me.We would'nt be out in public in the first place.My boyfriend keeps me chained up at home that time of month.He says he is just doing his duty to keep the streets safer.
Edited by - rubytuesday on 18 November 2002 15:5:31
Well since it is her problem and not mine I would ask her what she wants to do. Go home? Stick it out? "Don't misinterpret that" need some pain killer?
My wife being the reasoning person she is will tell me what she wants and I will oblige.
A little bit of sympathy and caring in this area will reap lots of rewards later.
Pay the bill, help her up, have the car front up and leave.
That would never happen in my case. When that time of the month comes for my wife she usually turns into Satan's Spawn and I give her a wide berth. She usually let's me know when it's arrived and I adjust my activities accordingly.
oooooh Spanner just struck a nerve. And I quote:
My wife isn't dumb enough to not know when her period is due.
--------> Lin reaches over and smacks spanner across the back of the head! "Dumb enough?"! Looks to me like someone...hint hint....needs some edjamacation in this area.