not my enemy

by teejay 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    ***What Ray Franz has said is so true: Most JWs are victims of victims.***

    Your comments relating to 'careful isolation' are so much a part of our backgrounds.It is that very careful isolation, that should awaken those still under the beguile of watchtower speak, to really take a hard look at what they are being taught.

    It seems hard to imagine, to most uneducated/uninformed observer's of the WTBS and it's adhereants, that a religion that promotes so much activity, so much door to door work, such clean living, well dressed, devout members, that something as sinsister and evil is at work.

    It is sinister and evil..........they just do a damn good job of hiding it all.

    We were in fact victims of victims, some of us third fourth and fifth generation.


  • Reborn2002


    I have often admired your posts which are seasoned with common sense and decency, however I must respectfully disagree with some of your comments this time.

    It wasn't until I was in my mid-thirties before the lights started to flicker on in what little mind I have. By then, any chance of reaching my potential in this life was gone and I knew it. No college, no highschool sports or glee club or student government or band or even hanging out with classmates and other neighborhood kids. They were "worldly" you know. Beneath me. Beneath us. But... y'all already know everything I missed. Y'all lived thru it, too.

    Your own statement condemns the Watchtower Society as an enemy.

    The bottom line no matter how you attempt to view it, is that the doctrines and practices of the Jehovah's Witness religion is the REASON you were not allowed to pursue college, you were not allowed to play high-school sports, you were not allowed to associate with "worldly" people.. the Watchtower Society is the REASON you missed all of the very things you listed.


    ... the Watchtower Society is no more my enemy than my mother is. If I wanted to blame somebody, I'd blame Mamma and I think I could make a pretty damn good case. After all, it was her dumb, god-oriented, "religious" ass that led her to deprive her six kids of holidays, birthday parties, school functions, and a college education that we all surely could have gotten without her having to spend a dime.

    Now I am not in a position to label or judge your mother. From your own admission it is obvious again that she was adhering to the laws and principles of the Jehovah's Witness religion, believing it to be the right thing to do. So again, the Watchtower Society is the REASON that these things happened to you. If your mother had not been ensnared in a cult and manipulated into believing that depriving you of all of these things were in your best interest in serving Jehovah.. then this course of events would not have befallen you.

    An untold number of people have:

    • suffered emotional blackmail
    • have been shunned and treated as dead by their own family members
    • have died needlessly over a vacillating blood doctrine
    • have been emotionally raped during Judicial Meetings
    • have been sexually abused and not helped to protect the image of the organization

    the list goes on and on. Yet you say the WT is not the enemy? I admire your ability to let go of some of your anger in placing blame on something, for that is an essential part of the healing process. Alas, one cannot exonerate the inexcusable from bearing responsibility for it's actions, and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has much to answer for.

    The Watchtower Society may not be your personal enemy, but it is the enemy of all nonetheless, for it's intentions are to ensnare and control any who fall prey to it's propaganda.

  • seven006


    Good post. Your writing skills are as good as the content they are expressing. I really enjoy reading your posts here and I get a kick out of your stuff on the other board. Your sense of balance and fair play is ringing through.

    I have no enemies except for the person who does not listen to the voice inside of me.

    Take care,

  • IslandWoman

    I have said several times on this board that imo we are responsible for our own actions and if I supported the shunning policy or whatever Watchtower policy, I too must share some of the blame and responsibility.

    Yet, I must now consider the Watchtower or more specifically the elders of the local congregation who follow the Watchtower as enemies. Not because I want them to be enemies but because they consider me an enemy and by extension my family.

    Not a week goes by where the discussion does not come up of, "Be careful, don't let other people see you do this or that. Be careful what you say and how you say it" My children are in danger. They must watch what they do, what they say, where they go etc. because they are inactive and are being watched. They do not want to be disfellowshipped, they do not want to be ridiculed and humiliated in front of their friends. I am afraid for them, sooner or later they will be caught and crucified!

    Yes, the Watchtower is our enemy not because we want it that way but because that's the way they want it.


  • LB

    TeeJay I appreciate your candor on this topic. They aren't my enemy either, I totally blame myself for my involvement. I was the idiot that got my family involved. Stupid man, stupid man.

    But I understand how so many do feel that they are the enemy. That emotional blackmail thing they do is almost the worst thing they do.

    But, you seem to have a handle on your feelings. That's a bit rare these days. Good job.

  • COMF

    Teejay--you're in your thirties? I was 37 when I started college. Four years later, I was 41 with a degree. If I hadn't gone to college at 37, four years later I would have been 41 without a degree.

    Life is mighty good these days, man.

    The past is gone. The present is yours. You decide how it will be used; nobody else does.

  • Mac

    I second Comf's emotion!


  • SPAZnik
    I have no enemies except for the person who does not listen to the voice inside of me. - seven006

    Most excellent.

    The past is gone. The present is yours. You decide how it will be used; nobody else does. - COMF


    - Mac


    Damn you're all inspiring! Thx fer that.


  • gumby

    the Watchtower Society ain't my enemy.

    I can't believe how many agree with this statement!

    It's not the WT fault? We should have been smarter ourselves? Bullshit! We are humans who follow what sounds convincing to us.

    I suppose a drug dealer isn't to blame's the person who buys it. Prostitutes aren't to blame for disease and other problems either I suppose.

    Yes people are to blame for giving in some what, but when a religious group such as the WT, has such a "well canned" convincing pack of lying bullshit and people buy into it.....because it promises them true freedom, and a phony prize....are the takers to blame? Are people who fall for scams to blame or the scammers?

    Many of us were emotionally ripe for the WT. Others were raised in it.

    In some cases, yes the victim is to blame, but were it not for this screwed up Organisation offering itself.....we wouldn't have NEVER been involved.

    To say the WT isn't to blame in a big way is nuts.

  • gumby

    Oh I forgot!

    Read Joelbears thread and tell me the WT's NOT your enemy.....They only fuck up families like no other group on earth.....but their NOT your enemy! What a bunch of crap!!!!!!!!

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