America/US government...a lying contradiction.

by pomegranate 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    And YOU need to pay attention to whom you are addressing, Breeze.

    Also...Pom, the "land of the sweet tight butt", was my comment. It should have read:

    'land of the free???..."(with question marx)


  • freedom96


    You say that I do not know what I speak.

    I do know this:

    I live in an awesome country. I have a wonderful wife and children. I own 3 successful businesses. I have material possesions. As long as I am not hurting others, I can say and do as I please. I have the right to believe whatever I want to. I have the freedom to worship as I want to. I can travel as I wish.

    We can pick laws apart, we can over analyze, but in the end, this is a freedom based country.

    No government law has ever tried to take the above listed things away from me.

    I love the fact that I live here, and am happy to obey the laws of the land. I have too many rights to worry about some small petty laws.

    And as I pointed to earlier, those who really have a problem with the country, also have the freedom to go elsewhere, if they so choose. Otherwise, lets all enjoy the freedoms that we have.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Once again, if you dont like it either A: Leave or B: Change it. Both are FREEDOMS that are given to you. Im sorry prom that you cant go around killing everyone. Yes, there are rules to this game. You are one strange case. PACIFISM on one day and ANARCHY the next LOL! There is no where on earth where you have the FREEDOM and the PROTECTION that you enjoy here in the U.S. You dont want to pay taxes Prom?? Fine, call your 9-11 operater and tell her that you do not want any Police, Ambulance, or Fire protection. Then call you local Military base and thell them that in time of War you dont want them to protect you. Afterwords you can contact your local school board to let them know that you will not be enrolling your kids in school. I would tell you to drive down there but since roads are built with TAX dollars you will no longer be able to use them. No mail either. Thankfully the phone system is semi private so you can use it. The internet was built with Federal money so I guess you need to stop posting here. Have fun watching T.V. at home since that the only thing you will be able to do. But then again, T.V. is a regulated enity so I guess you cant do that either. I suggest you just sit in your closet with your thumb up your ass and hope for Armeggedon.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Is it not possible that people who complain about U.S. policies, and seek to change them, are showing greater love of country than those who simply wave the flag?


    Only if they attempt to change the policies for the better. Getting rid of all Taxes is STUPID. Remember that this is a Democracy and just because it pisses you off doesnt mean that it should be changed.

  • breeze


    Your not crazy at all???

    Well said....ditto...

  • pomegranate
    Getting rid of all Taxes is STUPID

    As usual, 151 twists and concocts something I said into oblivion.

    I NEVER said ONCE to get rid of ALL taxes OR not to pay taxes. I have exposed that the American people are OVER TAXED for the GREED of the Elitists of government and THE BANKERS of the WORLD, and there is NOTHING they can do about it.

    Presently, the tax on a US citizen's income is approximately 65%. Estimates are for it to be 85% within the next decade if not sooner. And it HAS TO BE SO, because the monetary system is based on DEBT and USURY (Interest)...those TWO in combination are the epitome' of a system built on CONSUMING GREED with PEOPLE AT THE TOP controlling it.

    Am I here to say don't pay taxes? NOPE. Jesus PLAINLY taught to render Ceasar his due, of which I accept and practice...All I'm doing is EXPOSING the LIES, the CORRUPTION and the FACADE that you all are living in.

    freedom96, why is it YOU have all those wonderful things? Have you considered those in a DECLINING standard of living called POVERTY and BELOW? Which gets BIGGER AND BIGGER every year? While the MIDDLE class gets one of TWO things...lured to the top, accepting corruption, or pushed into POVERTY to die penniless...

    CLUE: One of the first things TO DROP OUT in a monetary system based on debt, that is ready to COLLAPSE in on itself, is the INTEREST RATE...

  • freedom96


    The reason that I have the things that I listed above, is not at all to say how great I am. I am just an average person in the United States who decided to do something productive. When one lives in a free country, they have the freedom to try something new. A new job, or better yet, to create their own business.

    The opportunities are out there, not only for me, but for anyone who takes the time to do it. Too many people just sit on their ass and complain and don't do a damn thing about it. Then they look at those who have more, and don't realize that they worked for it.

    People who are at the poverty level, can do something about it. I know, I was there. I spent many years struggling, however I did not give up. Too many people do.

    I happen to be very ethical, and I strongly believe in having integrity in ones business, as well as everyday life. To get ahead in business or life, one does NOT have to resort to corruption, or illegal activities. I am proud of what I have done, and I have only begun.

    I will stand up for what is right, and do unto others. Those who are hurting financially can do something about it. To start with, it means changing ones way of thinking. So many of those who are broke and complaining will absolutely do nothing to help themselves. How sad.

  • Trauma_Hound

    "basically do what we want as long as we don't intend harm on others."

    And what harm does someone sitting in they're house, smoking a little weed, hurt anyone else? Now how many are in prison/jail for doing this? How many are arested every year just for this? So your statement does not ring true. Free speech? What about the DMCA (Digital Millinium Copyright Act) that put a russian programmer in jail for writing a piece of code. Or 2600 Magazine, prevented from linking to code that allows you to decode DVD's. Yes LINK. This is program code, it's illegal to print it on a t-shirt, the movie industry even went after a website that was making t-shirts with the code printed on them. Ya that's freedom. Hopefully someone will get this stupid law overturned, because the latest DMCA victim is a website that lists product prices for wal-mart, best buy, etc for black friday (Day after thanksgiving), yes they invoked the DMCA for prices.

  • the_write_1

    You tell it true! Are you a male or a female?

    Just wondering because if you are male you are the first one I have come across so ballsy as to tell so much blatant truth! lol!

    It does not tend to make one very popular, at least not during ones lifetime.

    Look what rocking the boat, telling the truth, and speaking out against hypocracy got Jesus! So it is kind of understandable why so few DARE to tell the WHOLE truth on any subjects of importance, isn't it?

    Anyway, it is the noblest of causes, so be proud, stand tall, fight the good fight, and stay strong against the tide of oppression and ignorance!

    I know the same tired, lame-ass remarks can get one a bit down from time to time. You would think that at least some of the right, supremist, patriotic BSers could come up with some NEW comebacks, huh? but oh well, just par for the course, right? lol!

    Truth tellers still remain, always have, always will, though we be few and far between.


    L (the_write_1)

  • Trauma_Hound

    LOL, I'm male. I also think protesting this kind of stuff, is alot more patriotic, then sitting on your ass, and waving a flag.

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