America/US government...a lying contradiction.

by pomegranate 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    to quote Homer Simpson

    "If you don't like, go to Russia"

    I'm happy here. I may pay a bit more in taxes than people in brazil or the Congo, but I feel its worth it. I have nice roads to drive around, I am comfortable that the food I am eating is not laiden with disease. Nobody is banging down my door with M-4s robbing me of all my worldy belongings. I can be whatever religion I want to be. I can have a different opinion than the majority w/out being harassed. I can travel from state to state w/out having to explain myself (only declare if I am bring fruit). If I didn't want to pay taxes, I could quit my job and start anew at McDonnald's, thereby falling into a smaller tax bracket and get all my money back.

    Its funny, a person who has constant internet access is whining that they are being opressed, oh WHAAA. You can see when people have it too good in life, when they start digging and looking for problems that don't exist, just so they can have something to whine about. I've got food on the table, a roof over my head so I can't whine about that....I know, I'll whine about how opressive my government is because they take taxes.....WHAAAA

    Get over it or leave.

  • freedom96

    Amen to that truth!

    We should be grateful for what we do have, as others are not so fortunate.

  • pomegranate

    Get it?

  • IronGland

    Glad to hear you are fat and satisfied,truthseeker. Why do people like you feel we either have to like everything about our government or leave? The fact is every tax and every law takes away some of your freedom. It's a balancing act between freedom, and promoting the common good. Some of us feel we have far too many laws and regulations imposed on us and would prefer a little less 'safety' and a little more freedom to do what I please without having to be licensed,pay a fee, ask permission,research the laws,take out insurance,hire a lawyer and everything else that goes along with taking a piss in this country. Have you noticed that no matter where you fall in the political spectrum, anytime a problem comes up, many peoples initial response is to get some type of law passed? Freedom is just a word if every action you take is regulated. We are not quite at that point yet, but I would prefer to speak out against disturbing trends now, as is my constitutional right as opposed to moving to Russia or something as you brilliantly suggested. You probably would have been a loyalist during the revolution. Why start this silly war over taxes? After all we have the english army to protect us and build roads,and hey, it's better than those folks in france. Of course the fact that I actually agree with pomegranite on something gives me pause..

    Edited by - irongland on 22 November 2002 17:33:34

    Edited by - irongland on 22 November 2002 17:37:3

  • pomegranate
    as others are not so fortunate.

    As a direct result of the debt monetary and usuary Federal Reserve Banking system.

    How many people here know that the Federal Reserve Bank IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION and has NOTHING TO DO WITH the Federal Government?

  • pomegranate

    The MONEY SYSTEM in this country is in FACT Monopoly EL Supremo.

    Edited by - pomegranate on 22 November 2002 17:22:30

  • pomegranate

    What do MOST people think of when they speak or hear of the Constitution of the United States?

    Most people think of scroll or old document, with the introductory words "We find these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal." Most people even believe that these words are a part of the preamble to the Constitution. Of course, this is wrong, because those words come DIRECTLY from the foundation document of these united States [please not the SMALL "u"], The Declaration of Independence. This document is legally referred to as the Statute of 1776, it is the Declaration of Independence that is the cornerstone upon which America's supposed freedoms rest.

    The Declaration of Independence is the reason why the men of the Revolutionary War shed their blood, it was not for the Constitution! But the programming of America's people has been so affective, that everyone believes that the Constitution is the key document.

    Do you?

  • IronGland

    It's the key document as far as what our laws are based on. The declaration of Independence is nice and all but it doesn't say much about how the gov't should function.

  • Crazy151drinker

    The declaration of independence is just that. A declaration. We told good ol' George the III to blow it out his ass. The Constituion was the formal agreement on basic rights of citizens and the formation of our govt. The Constitution gives us our Bill of Rights, not the Declaration of Independence.

    And just because YOU think its wrong doesnt mean that it should be changed. This is a Democracy (Republic) you know, not the United Land of Prom.

  • pomegranate

    From the Declaration:

    That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved;

    See the above? Now how about this:

    Does everyone here know that there was a first draft of the Constitution that went BACK TO ENGLAND to be reviewed/approved BY THEM before being accepted in 1792 in America?

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