It was mentioned above that we are still the 'freest" country on earth. I hear people say that alot. Not that I don't appreciate the freedoms I have, but in what way am I more free in the U.S than if I was in the U.K, or Holland or Denmark or Belgium? What can I do that a citizen of those nations cannot?
America/US government...a lying contradiction.
by pomegranate 63 Replies latest jw friends
There is no such thing as absolute freedom. To expect such is ridiculous, Americans who complain that we don't have freedom must be ignorant of world conditions and need to start reading the newspaper.
In China , the govt has tried to prevent the Chineese from having acess to the internet. Of course they can't completely and a small percentage get access. Its just a small example of the freedom that we are taking for granted right at this moment.
Things are not perfect and there will always be laws preventing absolute freedom but as a whole we are fortunate. I agree with the statement made by another poster........... If you don't like it leave or try to change it. You have the freedom to do both. I would love to see the whinning American who bitches about lack of freedom to move to China or the middle east. Then perhaps he'd have my sympathy.
Yes, jurs, many places in the world are shitholes. What does that have to do with the U.S? Are you saying a person has no right to complain as long as some other place has it worse?
"Americans who complain that we don't have freedom must be ignorant of world conditions and need to start reading the newspaper. "
And people that say things like this, don't really care about they're freedoms being chipped away. By gods man, your saying it's ok to take more and more of our freedoms away? That makes absolutly no sense, I want to prevent us from turning into a china. Get it? And I have done things about it. I've been to a few protests, put together press conferences, and voted. If you actually had a clue about the politics in the US you would know that huge coperations pour millions of dollars into political coffers, to get things like the DMCA passed. That was all thanks to the MPAA. It's 'we the people' not we the corporations.
"In China , the govt has tried to prevent the Chineese from having acess to the internet."
In the good ole USA, a website was censored by the federal government, from posting a LINK to some open source code. A LINK! Get a clue!
Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 21 November 2002 21:53:22
Quote...Anyone who does not wish to live here in the US can get the **** out!!
Good gawd I'm sick of that statement. Who the hell said they would rather live somewhere else?
You can dislike the Government and STILL want to live here. This statement in brainwashed into peoples heads.
I think that england has more public survillance than has the US. Some protestors are being hunted down there. Large counter cultre gatherings are watched very carefully. I believe sensorship is a bit stricter there. Here in canada, books that are sensored, can be freely gotten in the US.
Trauma Hound,
Where did I say that it is ok to take away more of our freedoms? I didn't write any such thing..
I believe that that as Americans we have it pretty good. There are laws that I don't agree with (such as smoking pot, I think it should be legal) but to whine that we don't have freedom (which some Americans do) is absurd. In my opinion its a grosse exageration. No American would want to see us turn into China and I hardly think I wrote anything to suggest that. Perhaps Trauma Hound , I don't have the profound insight into politics of the US that you feel you have but do know what lack of freedom is .
Those who are hurting financially can do something about it
You are living in la la land buddy...
Not only are the Elite government officials and bankers WITH FULL INTENTION screwing down the lowly hard bit by bit, so are those in corporate Amerika.
The drug companies are KILLING the elderly and the poverty stricken by UNMERCIFULLY and artificially jacked up prescription drug is well known that many elderly and poor cannot even buy FOOD and miss EATING in order to buy prescription drugs whose pricing is unconscionable AND YOUR GOVERNMENT LEADERS SIT BY AND WATCH the pilfering and pocket the windfalls.
I KNOW drug company SCREWING first hand:
pomegranate monthly script for stomach ailment: $135 a month
pomegranate's oldest son auto immune script: $350 a month
pomegranate's wife glandular condition: $125 a month.pomegranate's MONTHLY BILL for absolutely NEEDED prescription drugs: $610 PER MONTH!!!
The beginning is here and now. We're in it. In comes the tide...
War? Oh yes. It helps keep DEBT intact so this WORLD ECONOMY of greed can keep grinding away...BY A DIRECT TAXATION.
DEAD PEOPLE. The ultimate taxation. YOUR LIFE.
Game over.
Edited by - pomegranate on 21 November 2002 22:52:4
I think, and this is only my humble opinion, that you have too much time on your hands to nurse your paranoia and anger. Yes, medicine is expensive. No, it should not cost that much to purchase medications. I would certainly rather have my tax money on helping people young and old pay for needed medications than pay for lazy people to sit home and pop out kids so that they can increase their welfare checks. But my conclusion is that the drug companies are not likely to lower the cost of the medications, and BECAUSE this is a free country I think that the government will not step in and impose any controls on that. So, I guess that it is up to me to solve my own problems by using the free enterprise priviledge that we have in this country to make enough to take care of me and my family and whoever else I can help with whatever success I find.
I don't think that anyone here is saying that this country is perfect. But thanks, I will take the USA anyday because despite the areas where some freedoms may have been eroded due to changing times and circumstances, we certainly live in a land of opportunity, which continues to draw people from other less fortunate countries around the world. If we are so oppressed, why do they want to come here? I'll probably get slammed for this, but I am of the opinion that because of the freedoms, Americans in general are spoiled and do not recognize what they have. We have become a nation that wants something for nothing, a free lunch, for someone else to take the fall and the responsibility for personal decisions. The fact is that because of the freedoms we enjoy, we also bear a greater responsibility to use those freedoms to the fullest.
Pom, I do empathize with your medical challenge. I know this country is not perfect, and in fact one of the things I would change if I could, would be changes in the health care system. I am certainly not a hard ass. I do care about people.
However, I still think that this is about the best that it gets. There is good, there is bad. We have to learn to live with that. If things are so wonderful elsewhere, why isn't there a mass exit of unhappy people?
Like I said, I do empathize with people that have challenges, but at the same time, I do believe we all have choices that we make on a daily basis. I believe, with certain very limited exceptions, that most people have the same opportunity in the US to make what they want with their life.
I do wish everyone the best, regardless of viewpoint.