Other religions are abusive too.,

by wednesday 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Navigator

    The Firm

    You seem to be equating the Catholic Church as the church of Jesus. Sorry, that just doesn't hold up. Jesus also said, "By their fuits shall ye know them". Are you seriously suggesting given the monstrous atrocities carried out by the Catholic Church over the centuries, that they are Christs Church? It is more than just a few bad apples (Popes). What sort of church allows such monsters to attain positions of leadership? What sort of doctrine permits it? I keep remembering the historical quote of the Papal Legate during the 30 years war when the catholics and protestants were trying to kill each other off. His military commander came to him and pointed out that about 25% of the german town they had surrounded was catholic. He was concerned that all would claim to be catholic. The Papal Legates response was "Slay them all. God will know his own" Perhaps you are a reincarnation of that fine gentleman.

  • The Firm
    The Firm
    You seem to be equating the Catholic Church as the church of Jesus. Sorry, that just doesn't hold up. Jesus also said, "By their fuits shall ye know them".

    Hello Navigator.

    The verse you mention is the very verse following my signature post. Thus, the "fruits" in that verse equate to those of false prophets, not to those of christ's church. And yes, the Catholic Church = Christ's church does hold up. If Christ did not establish the CC, then He set up no church. Just look at history alone: no other church--not even the JW's-- can even remotely claim roots dating back to the time of Jesus Christ. Just because you/others carry fanciful versions of our history doesn't change the CC's unbroken line-- a line which Christ promised would last until the end of time (Matt 16:18). He also promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His church. So, to imply that the gates of Hell have prevailed against the CC, then Jesus is a liar. So either Jesus was just flappin' his gums, or the CC is His church. He and we eagerly await your arrival!

    But if you insist on knowing the "fruits" of the Catholic Church, how about The Bible?

  • Stephanus

    Been away from this thread for a while and didn't realise I had had any impact here. Not trying to be nasty, just raising the issue of demarcation. Why are JWs worse than other denominations? Because this board is devoted to the JW religion, not any other. That abuse occurs in Catholic churches or Presbyterian churches or Rasterfarian groups or the Flat Earth Society is a matter for the members to take to their leaders. Here, the argument that abuse exists in other groups is the stock in trade of those trolls whose interest is not in changing the rules so that innocents are protected, but in shifting the blame from the precious Governing Body - trolls such as Comforter, Yoyomama and Fred Hall.

    Also, the other groups don't seem to have the abuse so heavily institutionalised and protected - some have been slow to act, but they are acting, while the JWs still hide behind the two witness rule. That other groups share in the sins of the JWs is no argument for staying with the Dubs as possibly being the truth.

  • ozziepost

    Well put, Steph.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • The Firm
    The Firm

    Thanks for that insight, Stephanus. Wow, didn't know that certain folks were classified as "trolls". Gee, hope I haven't turned into one of those!

  • wednesday

    Well, I'm not a troll, and this subject has been interesting and there is no reason it should not or cannot be discussed here. If the MODS have a problem with this subject-they will let us know.I appreciate all reasponess.

  • Stephanus

    I'm not saying that you are a troll. I'm used to seeing the argument "everyone else is doing it, so why are we worse?" come from the pens of those who fit that description. Since the JWs are always claiming the high moral ground and using superlatives to describe their congregations - happiest people on earth, most honest, etc. - the onus is on them to prove those assertions. To then turn around and say that it is alright for them to take their moral cues from supposedly less Christian groups is unacceptable.

  • wednesday

    ty for responding Steph., I am Wednesday, i have been in "truth" all my life and i'm in my late 40's. i've seen a lot of abuse.. I am so grateful to be here and to be able to freely talk-someting as u know u can't do as a jw.Both my hubby and i are inactive , but he still occ attends a meeting or two. he also being raised in "truth'. I had looked as some of the other xjw sights, but some were either too religious, or not religious at all.I know there are some as u guys say"trools" out there and am beginning to recognize it when see it. Currently i am at a crossroads aboutmy religion. I know jw are abusive, but as my husband says so are a lot of other religions. Mostly he hits hard the catholic church. And being in texas, he really hates the baptists for ther fire breathing hell doctrine. initally my husband was tolerating me looking at this board-but he has grown weary of it. he says we are blowing stuff out of proportion, and taking stuff out of context and u name it-that is what he says. I was just hoping for some ideas to help him see that jw are abusive -and it is worse since they cliam to be God's people. I guess u can't make someone see things until they are ready.

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