You can't please all the people all the time

by Simon 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    This is about running the forum:

    It's a balancing act. It is impossible to please everyone all the time and I don't go out of my way to try to please anyone ... I just do what I think is right.

    Some good examples are controversial topics: if I lock or delete something that is controversial then I am accused of "stiffling free speech". If I don't do anything then I get accused of "allowing that stuff to be posted". I will get complaints that I deactivated someone and also that I didn't deactivate them soon enough.

    Do I worry? Well, no, not really ... what's the point?

    When I take some action then I know that I will get some flack for it off someone which is why I am not that bothered by the complaints when they happen (I don't mean that I am dismissive of them). I just try to explain 'why' and people can choose to accept that or not as they want. Normally, most reasonable people can see the reason even if they may still disagree with me and that's fine.

    Several times, the same person complaining that I have removed or edited something of theirs is onto me the very next day asking me to remove something else that someone has posted that they don't like seeing on the site.

    It's the nature of a site such as this that there will be fallouts and disagreements. People say you shouldn't discuss religion or politics and we frequently do both plus more besides! It's how we handle disagreements and resolve things in a proper manner that matters.

    As Bob Dylan said "Lord I'm walking down the line" ... and that's what I'll keep doing, dodging the fruit thrown at me from both sides

  • JH

    Simon, you have good judgment, and we respect you for it. This is a wonderful place to exchange ideas on various topics revolving around our J.W. experience.

  • SPAZnik

    (fruit sailing through the air)


    just kidding.
    u do a great job Simon.
    I do not know how you put up with us.
    but I'm glad you do.
    this site has been a great source of inspiration
    and therapy for me.

    thx, eh.


  • LeslieV

    Personally I think you do a great job. What Jim was saying was offensive and distrubing. I have no problem with debate, but it really was not debate it was hate. Seems like the old JW mentality to me. Believe what I believe or you are wrong. When you get to the point of using racial slurs then it is appropiate for someone to step in. You did the right thing in my opinion.


  • SpannerintheWorks


    I've no doubt that you have not only moral responsibilities, but also legal responsibilities. I'm sure, as the owner of this forum, you

    could quite easily get sued if you are seen to allow racist posts and that they were acceptable to you.

    Jim was given plenty of chances by you to stop what he was doing but, unfortunately, blatantly ignored the warnings.

    Just in case there are any doubts, how could any body not understand the following statement by Simon, to Jim? And how did Jim

    respond? By starting another anti-Jew thread. And then another the day after! IMO, he was getting out of control.

    Now, let me make this VERY clear for you. I have had enough of this anti-Jewish racism that you have been posting and from now on I will simply delete any more topics that you start on it. I don't know what has happened or why you have suddenly signed up to the 'hitler was right' school of thought but I think you should take a step back and think about what you are saying and why.

  • Solace


    Dont worry about them crabby folk.

    Although last night I was surprised to see that I had used up my 20 posts for the day just as I was about to do something naughty to someone who was slamming our football team. I will admit that Xenawarrior & I believe that the posting limit shouldnt apply us when discussing football, we promise not to give you a hard time because we understand that its for the good of the board.

    Take care Simon & keep up the good work!

  • LB

    I think Heaven also should have unlimited posting privledges as long as she puts a bikini photo of herself in each post. Otherwise I think her account needs to be deleted.

    I followed the Jim thing and read an email he sent to me on the topic. I like Jim and do not know why he went off as he did. He made his point over and over. We all made our points. I suggested to him that he needed to drop it but he didn't. I think you did what you needed to be done Simon.

    Maybe we go overboard at times because in the past we weren't allowed to. Have an independent thought? Are you nuts? Did Jim have the right to bring up this topic? I think he did. But he didn't have the right to continue on with it on many differernt threads especially after being asked to stop by you.

    Jim I suggest you that after cooling off you contact Simon. Up until the Jewish deal I've enjoyed your posts and would love to see you here again. Even I know I can't post about the cross dressing quarterback the Packers have on every single thread

  • DannyBear


    Seem's like everyone on every xjw board has taken pot shot's at your administration Simon. I guess you can now empathize with George Bush, eh?

    I want to go on record as well.

    Whenever you speak your mind, take decisive action, go against the 'politicaly correct' (usually a minority) you risk being ostracized or at the very least shunned or ignored. So what's new?

    It becomes ever clearer to me, that we all act pretty much like we did while jw's. We just have no formal 'marking' procedure policies here on jwd. Except for the insane ignore button. Which imo is tantamount to the encouragement of the self deluding, thought process of eliminating anything or anyone that rises above our comfort zone. How convenient....unfortunately one can not so easily press a button of dismissal, evaporating another into oblivion in real life. I digress, just one of my peeves.

    It amazes me how few can understand the simple priniciple of domain or property rights. Socialists promote the idea of 'all for one, one for all', capitalists understand and respect 'ownership' and all of it's right's and responsibilities. Iam a capitalist to the core and unashamed.

    So please freely exercise your right. As far as Iam concerned, you or any of your representative mods, need no license or permit to act.

    So please enjoy your ownership, ignore the 'socialists'.........and don't lose another moment of peace about it.


  • Surreptitious

    Simon, most of us here will support you (or should anyway) whether we agree with you or not. This forum is like an extension of your house that you've invited us into for an evening of association. It's true that the internet itself may be like the woolly bully west, and "anything goes" because hey! it's "free speech"! But in your house, your forum, you call the shots and no one has the right to "demand" their rights. For example, if you threw a party and during the course of the evening someone took a leak on the floor, you'd boot their sorry ass out the door! Probably no one would complain about your doing that. Pissing on the floor is not acceptable. If they think it is, it's up to them to find a place where they can do that. Trust me, there's a party for EVERYONE out there somewhere. They're not forced to stay at yours.

    As far as Jim goes, I thoroughly disagreed with his position on the Jew issue. I never posted on the subject because replies seemed to fuel him. Frankly, I thought his bladder would eventually empty. And perhaps it might have at some point. I must say though, for some reason I was kind of sorry to see him go. Something about his personality was kind of endearing. Don't ask me to explain! I may not have "known" him as well as the rest of you, so my perception might not be as well rounded.

    I guess the point I'm rambling about is that regardless of anything, it's your party Simon. Speaking for myself, I'm happy to be here and will support you.


  • onacruse

    Or, as the Stones said, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try real hard, sometimes you get what you need."

    fwiw, Simon, you're WAY more tolerant than I would be.

    A big THANKS to you for maintaining the decorum of this forum.


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