Viv dear, I dont need Viagra.......
I know the Bible is True
by SwedishChef 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Perhaps the way I phrased things are questionable. I assure you, though I put much stock in the Bible, I do not worship it. What I worship is the God it speaks of. Reading this book is the only way to know Him.
Rem, if you look at the first thing I wrote, you will see that these are some reasons why I know the Bible is true. Besides the fact that it is comforting; the Bible is infallible (that's right, not a one contradiction), and studies of history have only validated it.
LMAO @ Farkel and px.
Excellent rebuttals to SwedishChef's rather foolish logic. Somewhat arrogant for him to declare that the Bible (a book of fairy tales) is true simply because he knows it to be so.
Regarding the Bible not containing any contradictions, I suggest you visit a thread in which SwedishChef has participated which shows SEVERAL scriptures which contradict one another. Hell, people with different belief systems have sat and argued for days on the verses of the Bible in that thread and which points contradict or are more important that other ones. LOL
Do you believe that the Bible is literal? For example: do you believe that humans were created 6,000 years ago?
Edited by - StinkyPantz on 3 December 2002 19:31:20
One really must know that by dodging questions and calling opinions fact will only raise everyone's ire...just a friendly reminder...
District Overbeer
Sounds like Swedish Meatballs to me.
Farkel, interesting post! However, please refrain from calling other people morons. That moniker is reserved for me alone and you know it!
- Syrup M. Titious (Master Moron)
You got me there, smartypants! I can't think of any way to refute your piercing logic and the mountain of evidence on your side. I will no longer continue in the irrational belief that there might be more than zero errors in this great and holy book. Of course I would not think of bestowing this honor upon any other ancient religious text... we know they all have errors and false prophecies. But not the bible... it's infallible. Now I understand that insects really do have four legs and the earth is flat. You can never trust those darned fallible scientists. They're always up to their atheistic no good ways.
Rem, I am not out to give you a mountain of logic regarding what I said. Frankley, I don't think I would do any good.
It just surprises me how many people are completely hostile to Christianity. -
mmmmmm, meatballs. -
John Gill's Expositor says on Proverbs 26:5 ("Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes." NIV)---
"...when a fool is answered, as it is sometimes necessary he should, that it be done in wisdom, and so as to expose his folly; he is to be answered and not answered according to different times, places, and circumstances, and manner of answering; he is to be answered when there is any hope of doing him good, or of doing good to others; or of preventing ill impressions being made upon others by what he has said; when the glory of God, the good of the church, and the cause of truth, require it; and when he would otherwise glory and triumph, as if his words or works were unanswerable, as follow;
lest he be wise in his own conceit; which fools are apt to be, and the rather when no answer is given them; imagining it arises from the strength of their arguments, and their nervous way of reasoning, when it is rather from a neglect and contempt of them."
SwedishChef, your failure (so far) to answer ANY of the questions put to you above puts you at risk of violating this clear Scriptural directive, and leaving us "fools" to glory in our own wisdom.
Of course, you might resort to quoting Proverbs 26:4 ("Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself." NIV), but then Gill offers:
"Sometimes a fool, or wicked man, is not to be answered at all; as the ministers of Hezekiah answered not a word to Rabshakeh; nor Jeremiah the prophet to Hananiah; nor Christ to the Scribes and Pharisees; and when an answer is returned, it should not be in his foolish way and manner, rendering evil for evil, and railing for railing, in the same virulent, lying, calumniating, and reproachful language..."
Seems to me you have 2 options here:
1) Conclude that NOT everyone who posts here is a fool, and therefore your considered response to our questions is merited according to Prov 26:5;
2) Conclude that everyone who posts here IS a fool, use Prov 26:4 as your Scriptural reason to not respond, and then leave this vile den of unChristian morons.