This is too cool, I love it when a PRO christ site offers proof that Jesus was so different that he could not have been made up.
hooberus posted:
Nine Ways to Know that
the Gospel of Christ is True
Jesus Christ, as he is presented to us in the New Testament, and as he stands forth from all its writings, is too single and too great to have been invented so uniformly by all these writers. The force of Jesus Christ unleashed these writings; the writings did not create the force. Jesus is far bigger and more compelling than any of his witnesses. His reality stands behind these writings as a great, global event stands behind a thousand newscasters. Something stupendous unleashed these diverse witnesses to tell these stunning and varied, yet unified, stories of Jesus Christ.
Hmmmm perhaps they should do some research, there were many pagan God/man savours long before this Jesus person came on the scene. Most of whom had very simular lives. But I suppose they were all made up......... or do you suppose the Jesus myth is little more then a combonation of these stories with it's basis in the jewish belief?? Well I for one and IMHO accept the idea that Jesus was little more then Paul's perception. He wanted to be a Jew and yet follow the mystery religions.
Perhaps he also needs to read all the HUGE differences in the gospels. They didn't get together on a lot of topics so they could keep their story straight.
Historically, the bible has little to really offer, even as a historical document. It does give some insight into the world of that time, it does give locations and name of these places, but events are obscured by racial prejudice, political and religious bias. Most of the events that they say happened have no record in history. Even this GREAT man/God, who did so much has no recorded history, when there were historians right there to record it. The gospel events of his death, i.e. the earthquake, the eclipse, and so forth have no record. The events of his birth, i.e. the strange star, the killing of the children under 2 years old and so forth has no record. Why would this be?? Perhaps they were "made up"? Or perhaps they were adopted from another mythology.
You know if you study the bible, I mean study about it research it, not in it, but about it, you might find it facinating, and quite puzzleing as to why your mommy and daddy taught you that it was the word of god.