I know the Bible is True

by SwedishChef 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Swedish Chef deftly rebuts Farkel's arguments:

    : Farkel, it seems to me that my statment of faith in the Bible hit a nerve somewhere.


    Present a REAL argument or a REAL rebuttal or look the fool.

    I won't wait for long, because you can't. Given your pathetic response, I'm sorry for calling you a name that was flattering. I'll work on on it.


  • expatbrit

    And here we go again:

    The new craze that's sweeping the nation!

    "Most people are religious, so assume it is true."

    Being a martyr Argument by cut'n'pasting huge reams of dense text. "You're scared of God, and want science to rescue you."

    "God is the cause of existence; things exist; therefore God exists." (and other Circular Arguments)

    "You just don't understand it / too blind to see"

    Hypocrisy (or self-contradiction) "I have proved God exists - end of debate."
    "Everybody believes in something." or "You're not really an atheist."

    "Everything must have a cause - except my God" (and other Special Pleading)

    Threats of damnation. God of the Gaps fallacy ( science can't explain it, therefore God must have done it )
    Equates 'disagreement' with 'bitter atheist hatred'"All these scientists were Christians - do you think you're smarter than them?" "You're too arrogant to admit you're wrong" Repeat argument until it magically becomes true.

    Argumentum ad Theoblatero (meaningless theobabble)

    "The burden of proof is on the skeptic" "All Xians are good; bad people are not Xian; so Xians are all good." (No True Scotsman fallacy)

    "I know because I know" (Argumentum ad absens scientia :
    Argument from absent knowledge)

    ( Click here for a plain version for printing )

    Print it off and keep it handy whenever you read or participate in an online-debate with a fundy. Cross off the fallacies, dodgy reasoning and personal attacks as they appear. Score one point for each box crossed out, and ten points if you make a line of four vertically or horizontally.

    Don't say "Bingo!"

    Say Fundingo!

  • seedy3

    This is too cool, I love it when a PRO christ site offers proof that Jesus was so different that he could not have been made up.

    hooberus posted:

    Nine Ways to Know that
    the Gospel of Christ is True

    Jesus Christ, as he is presented to us in the New Testament, and as he stands forth from all its writings, is too single and too great to have been invented so uniformly by all these writers. The force of Jesus Christ unleashed these writings; the writings did not create the force. Jesus is far bigger and more compelling than any of his witnesses. His reality stands behind these writings as a great, global event stands behind a thousand newscasters. Something stupendous unleashed these diverse witnesses to tell these stunning and varied, yet unified, stories of Jesus Christ.

    Hmmmm perhaps they should do some research, there were many pagan God/man savours long before this Jesus person came on the scene. Most of whom had very simular lives. But I suppose they were all made up......... or do you suppose the Jesus myth is little more then a combonation of these stories with it's basis in the jewish belief?? Well I for one and IMHO accept the idea that Jesus was little more then Paul's perception. He wanted to be a Jew and yet follow the mystery religions.

    Perhaps he also needs to read all the HUGE differences in the gospels. They didn't get together on a lot of topics so they could keep their story straight.

    Historically, the bible has little to really offer, even as a historical document. It does give some insight into the world of that time, it does give locations and name of these places, but events are obscured by racial prejudice, political and religious bias. Most of the events that they say happened have no record in history. Even this GREAT man/God, who did so much has no recorded history, when there were historians right there to record it. The gospel events of his death, i.e. the earthquake, the eclipse, and so forth have no record. The events of his birth, i.e. the strange star, the killing of the children under 2 years old and so forth has no record. Why would this be?? Perhaps they were "made up"? Or perhaps they were adopted from another mythology.

    You know if you study the bible, I mean study about it research it, not in it, but about it, you might find it facinating, and quite puzzleing as to why your mommy and daddy taught you that it was the word of god.


  • Farkel


    : You know if you study the bible, I mean study about it research it, not in it, but about it, you might find it facinating, and quite puzzleing as to why your mommy and daddy taught you that it was the word of god.

    Or consider matricide or patricide as a fitting punishment for being forced to believe that crap!

    I'm just joking, btw. Matricide is far too little punishment in my personal experience, and patricide was something I never considered even when Dad was out-of-line with his punishments for me. My dad was a good man who made a few mistakes and considering his background, he rose above a whole bunch of bad-upbringing himself. I honor him.

    My mother is a psycho and that's it about her. I disfellowshipped her out of my life, but she desevered much worse than that.


    Edited by - Farkel on 3 December 2002 22:27:14

  • rem


    Rem, I am not out to give you a mountain of logic regarding what I said. Frankley, I don't think I would do any good.
    It just surprises me how many people are completely hostile to Christianity.

    You are the one that made testable claims. I assert the claims are false and I and many others have evidence to back up the assertion. You, however, do not have any evidence.

    What you perceive as hostility towards Christianity is really hostility toward irrationalism spouted by people such as yourself. Don't make ridiculous claims that you can't back up. You will be called on it.


  • SwedishChef

    Rem, I was just making a statment of faith, I'm sorry if that's so offensive. If you really want evidence, I'm assuming you have a computer and the internet. The truth is out there. I'm sorry if your too lazy to look for yourself.
    One more thing: you atheists seem to think that I actually in the least bit care about your comments. Well, I don't.

  • rem


    Learn something from this experience. Next time don't make "statements of faith" that contain factually wrong assertions. Leave it at faith, but don't introduce testable claims without evidence or ignore contradictory evidence.

    I'm not too lazy to look for truth and evidence. Proverbs 18:17 is a maxim I hold dear. From what you've written so far it is clear that you are the intellectually lazy one. No biggie... I know faith is based on emotion and not facts.

    And when did I ever imply that I cared if you cared? I already know you most probably don't because you've already demonstrated yourself to be an intellectually dishonest dimbulb.


  • breeze

    You can't prove it is true and we can not prove that is isn't.....

    Humans dealing with the spiritual....Christians try to make it fit into a neat package but in just doesn't....

    Strong faith and belief in the BOOK OF MORMON - TORAH - KORAN......etc....doesn't make them inspired...???

  • StinkyPantz


    This is just lovely:

    I was just making a statment of faith, I'm sorry if that's so offensive. If you really want evidence, I'm assuming you have a computer and the internet. The truth is out there. I'm sorry if your too lazy to look for yourself.
    One more thing: you atheists seem to think that I actually in the least bit care about your comments. Well, I don't.

    The truth is out there on the internet? Okay. . . and so is a bunch of BS, what's your point? Also, we're the lazy ones? You are the one making statements of fact with nothing to back them up, and even after we ask for proof you are the one too lazy to provide it.

    As for comments made by atheists, who else were you talking to? You don't need to reassure people that already believe in the Bible why it's so wonderful, so I assumed as an agnostic that you were speaking to me, trying to convince me of something.

    By the way, no need to be rude to people that don't believe as you do. As an agnostic I welcome comments from anyone, christians, atheists, whoever. You are simply showing with this statement:

    you atheists seem to think that I actually in the least bit care about your comments
    how closeminded you are.
  • ashitaka

    LOL @ Swedish Delusion.

    Fark, as ususal, perfection!


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