just make a google search and you will find hundreds of pages talking about it...here is the first link
that popped up: http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/jewishquestion06.html
What exactly has the lack of arab help to do with imperialistic US policies?
The point of is wasted on me?
* well then tell me how often the US sends help to europe if there is a natural disaster?
never...why not? because it is not required! neither is european help required if there is an
earthquake or a hurricane in the US. hope you don't actually want help from nicaragua or any
other poverty stricken latin american country. (i guess the money the US industry is squeezing out
of these countries is making up for that!)
* are you aware of the post WWII situation?
the US helped europe because of strong communist parties in france and italy and the high
probability of germany getting under control of the communists. it was not to help the
europeans but to keep europe an allied force against the russians.
* i guess you never heard of Airbus then...i am sorry but i guess i have to inform you that
airbus controls now over 50% of the world market. the european airplanes are cheaper, have
higher quality, are identical in cocpit desing (less training required) and consume less fuel.
* as mentioned above it were mainly german engineers who designed the Apollo rockets
(W. von Braun and others). the US had the money and the will to do it (after they had lost the
race to put the first satellite into orbit and to put the first man into space). hope you are
aware that the US had about 250 million and the largest european state about 65 million people...
so of course only the US (and russia) had the resources to built that thing.
* well if you want to put someone into jail for not joining the vietnam war than thats your problem...
i would say 95% of the population have realized by now that it was a useless and criminal war.
about putting the scandals right there in the window...maybe if the US media wouldn't report all
that shit than there would be a slower decay of morals in the glorious USA.
* about the railroads...this is simply total nonsense. (by the way....the indian railroads actually
need to be renewed...they still have the equipment from the times of english occupation! maybe you can
write to bush ...i am sure the generous guy he is he will send the required money!)
in conclusion i guess you shoud take some serious history lessons my friend!
Edited by - realist on 6 December 2002 20:57:27