1) Yes we want to control the world :) well not all of it.....Africa sucks.
2) Yes the Arabs dont like it. Would the Taiwanese, Japanese, Vietnemese (and every other South East Asian country), Russians, or South Koreans like it if China was in power???? Probably not!
3) Would you want the Arabs in Power????????????????????????????????? They would be suicide bombings in every election! (If they even had elections.....)
4) France, and England were in NO position to challenge Hitler (This was shown by Hitler kicking Frances ass). If anything, France was over confident that it could keep hitler at bay with its Magnot Line (I think that was the one...). While England might have had our economic back up, we were in no way a Military Threat to Hitler and if the Japanese hadnt gotten greedy, Hitler would have stayed in France. The French were foolish, however, I find it hard to believe that Hilter would have stopped. Did he really need all of those Divisions and Miltary hardware to take over Poland?? Hardly. Hitler was gearing up from the Start. Plus, Hitler didnt need to build up his Navy to attack land locked Poland. Nor did he need Jet planes, V-2, etc..etc... If anything, Hitler played the political Victim "oh they declared war on me!". Boo Hoo!
As I said before, thank God hitler was an idiot and didnt listen to his Generals.