To the US Military

by freedom96 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    The "IDIOT" said,

    We are willing to stand up against the brutal people that would brutalize an American. Are you willing to do the same?

    The conditions aren't ripe yet in order to bring out the real you, TR. Insofar as me being willing to protect any of my fellowmen (including you) from enduring bodily mistreatment at the hand of an offender, if I were to happen upon such a thing so as to actually witness for myself what was going on, I would interfere in the victims behalf. However, I won't get involved in the nations questionable wars ... the facts aren't ever as clear as the scenario that I've just described.


  • Iwasyoungonce


    Thank you for this thread. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say thank you to the members of the armed forces again. (As to the words of others, another time)

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  • Lefty

    DakotaRed once again displays his form of Christianity:

    Screw Yadirf and the horse he rode in on.

    Thanks for making it ever so clear to everyone what a hypocrite you are, you "Christian".


  • TR

    Well, "Lefty" has at least made his political affiliation clear. Let me clarify what Dakota said even further by saying; screw you and the Buick LeSabre you rode in on.


  • DakotaRed

    Iwasyoung, thanks, but I didn't start the thread, freedom96 did.

    Lefty, welcome back, haven't seen you since Yadirf left last time. But, please don't confuse me with Christians. Their bloody history shames even the likes of me. I just try to follow what I see Jesus saying to the best of my limited abilities.

    Lew W

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 9 December 2002 1:30:25

  • Lefty

    Freedom96 asks:

    but my point on this issue is that [God] used armies time and time again. How are we to know that it is any different now??

    That was "then" and now is now. The Bible doesn't contradict itself. The Revelation account makes it very plain that the nations are ALL under the influence and jurisdiction of the dragon, Satan. I trust the Bible, rather than the promises and understandings of those who are illiterate about what the Bible teaches in this regard. If you're suggesting that God might actually be using the U.S. and the coalition that she has mustered up against Iraq, then all I can say to you is "You have no understanding of the Bible". The wars that you refer to which God backed had to do with his chosen nation of ancient Israel. There is to be one more war which God will indeed back, in order to deliver his people out of the hands of an upcoming one-world government. I hope you get to see it.


  • Lefty

    TR says:

    screw you and the Buick LeSabre you rode in on.

    That's not really my choice of chariots, thank you. Actually one of the vehicles I drive is a ford product, manufactured in 1991, but which had over a hundred thousand miles on it when I bought it used. I think we've put around 45,000 miles on it since then, and its still going. I still try to do all the work that is required to keep it rolling, in spite of my health. I replaced a hose on the steering pump only a few weeks ago, along with having fixed a flat tire myself. (Did you know that it costs $11.00 now to get a flat fixed?) Also, I wrestled for about half a day recently with replacing a faulty part that had produced a vacuum leak (a rubber tee in the line coming off of the PCV). I also gave that high-milage foot-saver a new set of plugs this past summer (ha! the first time they'd been touched in the 45,000 miles we've driven the thing).

    I also own a Dodge truck, but of a different color than Dakota's. His is blood-red, where mine is the color of purity.

    Buick LeSabre? Not my brand! But they all have too much plastic in them to be worth what they cost.


  • TR
    Buick LeSabre? Not my brand! But they all have too much plastic in them to be worth what they cost.

    What? Not your brand? It's the choice of circuit overseers everywhere!


  • DakotaRed
    I also own a Dodge truck, but of a different color than Dakota's. His is blood-red, where mine is the color of purity.

    LOL, lefty, funny as ever with your alter-egos attempt to hijack a thread. But, I must correct you, my Dakota is Flame Red, as noted on the Maroni. Oh, incidentally, the next time you struggle for six hours with a simple vacuum leak, why not ask a horrible old apostate like me who has been fixing them for over 35 years now? LOL, and yes, I work for a Dodge dealer where we have very few of your "purity white" trucks. Seems most people don't like the extra upkeep on them.

    But, believe it or not and no thanks expected, it's been guys like me, Max and Yeru, as well as Animal, TR, and many others who have actually put our butts on the line or at least been willing to, just so you can drive that "color of purity" Dodge truck and also act like a complete ass whenever you feel like it.

    Maybe we should just sit back and wait on Jehovah and just put it in his hands and see how well you would like learning to speak Arabic and submitting to radical Islam. Hey, at least they agree there is no trinity, so maybe you would like them. But, as a JW sympathizer, I imagine you hold no respect for women either.

    So, I reiterate my earlier statement, screw Yadirf and Lefty, both of him. Thanks to all who have worn the uniform and those currently doing so. Ignore those like him who belittle your efforts, yet enjoy and laud having the freedoms you are willing to gain for him.

    Lew W

  • Lefty
    Maybe we should just sit back and wait on Jehovah and just put it in his hands and see

    You haven't the faith, O faithless one.


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