How does one recover from being shunned?
My family is shunning me. So is everyone I grew up with since I was raised in the bOrg.
How does one go about recovering from being shunned by his family? Is is possible for me to just let it go and move on?
I don't want to be "at peace" with my family. I have been patient with them for over four years. Constantly reaching out to them, letting them know that they still have a son who loves them. Quite frankly, I sick of it and am now pissed at my family.
Instead of trying to think of ways to help them, I find that I'm now obsessed with finding ways to hurt them as much as possible.
I did a search for books at using the key words "recover(y) shun(ning)". All I got back was a handful of fictional books.
I did a search on Google with the same key words. All I got were stories of how people were shunned... but nothing about recovery.
Am I going to have to go to a therapist? If so what kind? What should I look for in qualifications? I don't want to go to someone and have explain everything to him/her.
* Of the hating my family now and wanting to hurt them class *