All I can say is that sometimes having a rational, unbiased debate with XJW's is often even more difficult than doing the same with a convinced JW.
Let me say this once for all time - personality is of no interest to me whatsoever. The BB and RF issue was imho a faint speck on the window of theological history and hardly of any real importance. I am sure that BB has lived to regret going public with his thoughts, but then we all have such regrets at times. I have been a continuous voice of defense on behalf of JW's who are vilified just for being JW's by many. A person is no greater or lesser than the methodology they use and the ideology they maintain, that is, the things they do and the things that they believe in.
I have heard so much thought expressed about 'damaging the cause' of SL by debating its modus operandi. Exactly how is this cause damaged? The WTS will be bought to book by the courts, not by this discussion Board, BB, RF nor myself. No cause is or should be beyond public scrutiny. Can we not learn that the reason that the WTS ran roughshod over our dreams was exactly because its methodology was never put under scrutiny. We all remained silent lest we 'damage the cause'. It is from such scrutiny and analysis that growth occurs. Do not silence the dissident voice. No right thinking person would ever question the goal of SL, every right thinking person should question its methodology, especially if they are witness to it publicly.
I have, as I have mentioned before been involved at Board level in the running of a number of charitable concerns which evoke equal emotional crystallization as does the SL issue. I have seen many worthy causes left in smoke and ashes due to a lack of discretion on the part of some, often a group, who thought themselves unimpeachable and beyond criticism. Please recognize this danger and resist the temptation of placing persons in camps, i.e You are for BB or against him, You are for the WTS or against it, you are 'for the cause of children or against it'. Simplistic reasoning such as this is counterproductive to any cause in the long-run, however well intentioned.
Edited by - hillary_step on 23 December 2002 15:44:41