"Silentlambs" was the "Messenger...

by Gilgamesh 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • NewLight2


    I see, I see, you must think that it is ok for BB to publiclly berate
    Raymond Franz, The Rev, and others using the public forums and email lists rather than using private email, YET it is not ok that these same public postings by BB to public forums should be discussed on these same forums?

    Seems to me like this is a double standard. How Watchtower like that type of thinking is!

    If BB didn't want this to happen, then he should have THOUGHT BEFORE posting that type of information to public email lists and forums in the first place. He is only reaping what he has sown.

    If he sows seeds of criticism then he will also REAP criticism in return.

    Conclusion: BB needs to learn some disipline in thinking before speaking when it comes to being critical of others.


  • Gilgamesh


    I'm sorry I didn't mean to skip your post.

    You state you have two names and give your reasons for wanting to keep your anonymity. IMO you seem to think that your reasoning for doing so should be accepted, while IF messenger and silentlambs are one in the same his/their reasons for doing so seem not to be acceptable.

    If Simon says two names are not acceptable, then they just aren't. It's his forum. I am only saying from my own experience why I think some might oppose it. I am saying that I am OK with the policy, but that because my reasons for having done it in the first place may be very similar to others, I don't think everyone will be happy. That's all I wanted to tell Simon. For as long as everyone has been allowed to post openly, under extra names, I think we should all be welcome to speculate for as long as we wish about the actual personalities behind those posts. Also, people should be very aware of the possibility that they may have already been deceived due to such creative ruses people use.

    Whether one set of reasons is acceptable or not is not my call. I thought that my reason was acceptable at the time, but had I known about the policy, I would not have done it, nor would I have argued for "acceptable" vs. "unacceptable" reasons. If silentlambs had actually wanted extra id's, I don't care what his reasons were, they would be acceptable to me. Some of my arguments, in fact, were directly related to why I think silentlambs might have benefited from multiple id's. Some posters may use them to avoid trouble, and some may use them to make trouble. Simon apparently thinks that if someone uses them for making trouble then they should be banned. That may be the best call. I hadn't thought of it that way. If someone makes trouble and the id is banned, then other ID's from the same person might still be used for causing trouble and Simon loses control. The IP address gives him some measure of control again, because they can help identify if the same type of trouble is coming from the same IP address. His idea of using the information as part of the information to help stop this type of trouble in advance is proactive and preemptive, and therefore probably a labor-saving idea.

    Then you state that you have read 3000 plus posts in a 24-hour period to confirm so before the posts were lost due to forum changes. After which Simon states that this loss of posts if indeed it does happen will be temporary.

    Last night I saw that Simon had explained the "code" something I had forgotten to check previously even though it might have been helpful. I wanted to see just how much meaning I could glean from them in a couple hours. But I made a decision to post about my specific interest in the subject only after hearing about the potential loss of posts and concern about those with two id's. (Also, I hate to go look up a post and find that it has been deleted, or modified beyond recognition.)

    You go on to suggest you believe that those who do have two accounts (including yourself IMO) should be offered the choice of having them displayed in private.

    Yes. I think that Simon will get less negative reaction in general that way. But that's also more work for him. He will get no negative reaction from me no matter which method he chooses.

    Did you offer this choice to silentlambs and messenger if they are one in the same? Seems as if double standards are being presented. Pot/kettle/black perhaps?

    Perhaps. I am treating it as somewhat of a "post-mortem" on the evidence left by two inactive posters. Silentlambs has made it fairly clear that he does not plan to post here anymore. Messenger stopped posting almost immediately after that announcement. I was in a thread where someone (teejay) asked where messenger went, and where someone else (Mulan) expressed openly the hope that the two id's weren't from the same person. I had no more reason to speculate openly on those questions until last night. As long as it is clear I am just speculating I see potential good coming from trying to discern what we can from the available evidence. In fact, it reminds me of a very satisfying and enjoyable project I once tried at Bethel:

    After finally making it through the entire Aid book, I took on the project of reading all the rest of the Society's publications. I figured that after the Aid book, I could take on anything. I moved to a new room only a few feet from the 3rd floor entrance to the Gilead Library and was often up the entire night working on this project. I worked backwards from 1980 and forwards from 1879. By the time I left Bethel, I was up to 1924 and had just finished the 60's. I bring this up because it was impossible not to develop an idea of the personalities that were running the organization(s). It's probably why I see close connections between the way many elders, and now Bill Bowen, apparently believe that businesses and organizations should be run.

    People definitely had the right to ask me to get a life while at Bethel. But I knew almost immediately that much of the information I was reading would be of interest to others. Since then, the information I collected on Rutherford and Russell has been very valuable to many other people.

    I ask for the obvious double standard IMO, and your claims of newbie status when first posting about this subject in the thread below.


    If you are asking if I was a "newbie" when I said I was, then the answer is Yes. I didn't create the second ID until a few days later. The post you mention was my first post on this forum, period. (I had also never posted to H2O before.)

    Personally, I don't think much about the idea of double-standards for a couple reasons. I don't mind at all if someone wants to find associations between my id's or guess. I know it's unfair to say so because I am not a very interesting person and it could merely waste someone's time. But people have a right to spend time however they want. The other reason I don't think about the double-standard problem is because I don't even mind if someone decides to lie about themselves or their beliefs. It's part of what I come to expect is possible, and therefore something I have to consider about anything I read - and that goes for the NYTimes, a Bible commentary, a press release, anything. Truth be told, even lies tell a lot about people. A lot of excellent discussion was started from devil's advocate style provocations. Besides, I had a lot of fun with the idea that messenger might have a relationship with silentlambs, and for most of that time I didn't think the possibility was very strong. Still I learned a lot about the poster(s). I wouldn't have gone to the trouble if the idea hadn't intrigued me. Messenger came to a thread to start some trouble. I didn't have a problem with that, just as I didn't think s/he should have much of a problem if I answered back. So, I read to see what I might glean about the personality behind the name. In so doing, I found that silentlambs had expressed similar opinions and opined with similar expressions. I hadn't noticed then that they also had probably posted from the same machine. If anyone had wanted to talk about this latter fact, then I was willing to talk about it, ergo, this thread.


  • Cassiline

    If Simon says two names are not acceptable, then they just aren't. It's his forum. I am only saying from my own experience why I think some might oppose it. I am saying that I am OK with the policy, but that because my reasons for having done it in the first place may be very similar to others, I don't think everyone will be happy.

    The topic of multiple accounts has been discussed repeatedly in the past, with emphasis on the last several months. Simon has expressed his opinion strongly and many times that he does not want it to take place.

    That's all I wanted to tell Simon. For as long as everyone has been allowed to post openly, under extra names, I think we should all be welcome to speculate for as long as we wish about the actual personalities behind those posts.

    Simon has asked that multiple accounts not be created. I can understand your logic behind creating another account. However you or I do not know why or for what reason silentlambs or anyone else for that matter may have posted with a second account. Could it have been for the same reasons you state? Posts being made as you explain, that may be of a sensitive nature by an alter ego?


    (search under multiple/duplicate accounts above)

    I have seen many speculate if two different accounts were one in the same poster. Resulting in many who have been upset when unjustified accusations and speculations have tarnished their name.

    Also, people should be very aware of the possibility that they may have already been deceived due to such creative ruses people use. but had I known about the policy, I would not have done it, nor would I have argued for "acceptable" vs. "unacceptable

    In that case Simons reasoning on the matter for so long is justified. You state above that messenger came into a thread to start trouble. As I said before I dont know why and if messenger and silentlambs are one in the same. Messengers account was created long before messenger posted to that thread. Do I agree with everything that has been posted by each alias? No, most certainly not. But I felt that you were exposing someone for doing the very same thing as your self.

    Whether one set of reasons is acceptable or not is not my call.

    My point being since you felt you have/had valid reasons for doing so, perhaps there are more out there just as you are. One may expose or think they have reason for speculation and are wrong perhaps even right. I believe it should have been handled in private for reasons neither of us may be aware of.

    I spoke of double standards due to the fact you have two accounts and it seemed to me with all the past discussion of multiple accounts you were using one set for yourself and another for different posters. No matter who they be.

    Last night I saw that Simon had explained the "code" something I had forgotten to check..

    Forgive me. I thought that Simon just yesterday made the code available. I have not been keeping up as much of late.

    Yes. I think that Simon will get less negative reaction in general that way. But that's also more work for him. He will get no negative reaction from me no matter which method he chooses.

    When I asked that question, I meant it of you not Simon. I think that for the reason you yourself state such as your involvement with JWs who are active or otherwise it still would have been prudent to perhaps keep this on a private level. Even if you were treating the situation as a post-mortem.


    (search under multiple/duplicate accounts above)
    If you are asking if I was a "newbie" when I said I was, then the answer is Yes.

    Yes, I was asking (perhaps even inferring you were not) if you were a newbie when you stated you were for two reasons. One because quite a few as you noted earlier create accounts just to jump on someone. Your knowledge of the situation(s) transpiring were overwhelming, normally most definitely a sign of someone who is trollling.

    I apologize for assuming this of you, and ask of you, your pardon.

    I know it's unfair to say so because I am not a very interesting person and it could merely waste someone's time. But people have a right to spend time however they want.

    To say you are not interesting is unfair. I would say you are far from uninteresting. IMO belittling yourself is not fair to you in anyway, shape or form. We all have our positives and negatives, ups and downs. We learn from our mistakes and pass wisdom onto others from these experiences, thus my reason for coming here.

    If it were not for a man in Connecticut who told me "he was just a nobody", who shall remain nameless. I would have never found my voice via this forum and its posters.

    Have I ever posted here under another name? Yes, one time, one sentence, humor(less) response, non-attack, non-abrasive.

    edited to fix links and formatting, which for some reason wont show correctly.

    Edited by - cassiline on 23 December 2002 19:41:48

  • SloBoy

    I think (which could be a lot of the problem) we need more hugs around here !! hope this is not too esoteric.

  • Trauma_Hound

    *Yawn* Don't you people have anything better to do?

  • teejay

    In the words of my friend Dr. Spock of Star Trek fame, this thread is... umm... fascinating.

    I just got through reading over three thousand of these IP hash numbers... -- Gilgamesh

    Good grief, Man! You need to get a life!! (Sorry. Couldn't resist. ) Seriously, is there a nerd deep under your skin -- screaming to get out? You sound a lot like me. I do silly stuff like that, too, except you have me beat with this little project. Simply because I wouldn't know how to go about doing what you did. Got me shaking (or is it "waggin"?) my head here.
    I will be looking at automating the display of duplicate accounts using other methods than just IP addresses. The intention is that it will list potential duplicates within the profile. -- Simon

    Excellent idea. If implemented, it will be one of the most profound innovations in the History of Mankind!!

    Uh... perhaps I over-reacted? It will be cool to know who's who, though.

    I wonder how everyone will accept a policy/profile that identifies the duplicates. I ran across quite a few examples where I thought the duplicate name was obvious and perhaps just there to get past a posting limit.

    But there were some names where apparently, a person wished to keep a specific focus and reputation attached to a certain name, and it might have caused problems if he had been forced to use that same name to make posts on unrelated issues. Certain names may have already built up a certain useful reputation. If that type of name now was being used to ask serious questions, engage in certain controversies, or to express doubts about God and the Bible it might have unnecessarily offended some of the people who had come to respect what the first name. -- Gilgamesh

    Have I already said that you need to get a life? Oh! I think I did. Nevermind.

    That recommendation aside, your analyses are extremely intriguing to me, only because most of the threads dealing with JW/ex-JW stuff (field service experiences; most hated Kingdom Songs, etc.,) that I read here bores me. Doesn't make me better or worse than anyone, I understand. I just find a lot of it boring. Boring is as boring does (paraphrasing Forrest Gump). I figure it's simply a matter of me growing (or is it digressing?) into interests that are more universal.

    Character assassinations based on gossip and rumor are disgusting.
    Character assessments based on a persons own words and noted actions are another matter altogether.

    I hope you don't mind the special treatment I gave your quote, HS, but that one was worthy of it. May it live forever on all dbs. "Assassinations" or not the same as "assessments."
    Also, if Simon is wondering how I could check so many without that much bandwidth last night, I had previously used a utility (Offline Commander Pro) to grab thousands of posts automatically so I could read them on the train going to work. It can grab thousands of pages in a seconds which I can then index and I therefore don't have to hit jwd servers for my boolean searches. Processing the info offline keeps my bandwidth off the live servers. Still, this is probably something Simon wouldn't recommend because one could be tempted to save time by opening too many connections to get the downloads so quickly that it appears to be a Denial of Service. I let mine run slowly, but don't plan on running another download, anyway.

    I defend my interest in what's going on with silentlambs and Bill Bowen, however, on separate grounds. I believe it's very important. -- Gilgamesh

    Okay.... so now you're starting to scare me...
    As long as it is clear I am just speculating I see potential good coming from trying to discern what we can from the available evidence. In fact, it reminds me of a very satisfying and enjoyable project I once tried at Bethel:

    After finally making it through the entire Aid book, I took on the project of reading all the rest of the Society's publications. I figured that after the Aid book, I could take on anything. I moved to a new room only a few feet from the 3rd floor entrance to the Gilead Library and was often up the entire night working on this project. I worked backwards from 1980 and forwards from 1879. By the time I left Bethel, I was up to 1924 and had just finished the 60's.

    Since then, the information I collected on Rutherford and Russell has been very valuable to many other people. -- Gilgamesh

    Would you be interested at all in emailing me (at [email protected]) with some of your findings? You are one very interesting fellow, Gil (may I call you "Gil"?), despite your claim that, "I am not a very interesting person." Get real. Please.
    The other reason I don't think about the double-standard problem is because I don't even mind if someone decides to lie about themselves or their beliefs. It's part of what I come to expect is possible, and therefore something I have to consider about anything I read - and that goes for the NYTimes, a Bible commentary, a press release, anything. Truth be told, even lies tell a lot about people. -- Gilgamesh

    You keep those kinds of observations coming, Gil, and I might actually start to like you. Damn if you don't sound like me....

    .... only smarter.

  • hillary_step


    *Yawn* Don't you people have anything better to do?

    Sorry TH you confuse me. You make comments such as the one above and yet have participated as an activist in all the threads that deal with the very subject that seems to bore you.

    Perhaps you have nothing better to do.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 24 December 2002 13:51:56

  • Gilgamesh


    Okay.... so now you're starting to scare me...

    Not that I'm a troll but you've said some positive things about me in a couple of unrelated threads since my first post. This "id" is indeed indebted. And I thank you, too. I will try not to "scare" you any further, so I will say no more about my trolling reading habits.

    Would you be interested at all in emailing me (at [email protected]) with some of your findings?

    I assume you were referring to Russell/Rutherford findings. My findings have more value to those who are currently JWs, but know my background and therefore know that I found these myself, rather than in an "apostate" book by Ray Franz, Duane Magnani, etc. For the rest of us, everything of importance has been covered elsewhere. There are a few things in my notes which could add only slight value to existing discussions but which, on their own, are trivial. (e.g., Russell's final printed opinion on whether there was a zero year. What did Rutherford say had immediately precipitated his understanding that the League of Nations was the beast? That the familiar quote "Therefore, advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom." followed only a few sentences after "Do you believe that the King of glory is present, and has been since 1874?") Most of these ideas have by now been caught and published by others, and others saw their folly long before I did. To me, these findings seem silly outside of the context of a more comprehensive presentation? Cedar Point?

    ...most hated Kingdom Songs...

    Oh and speaking of Kingdom Songs, I even have some notes from some of the old song books BS/JWs used under Russell and Rutherford when we were still singing Adventists songs, back when the writers' and/or composers' names were printed at the top of the page. There are still some legacies of melody, cadence, and lyrics that can be easily traced back to these Adventist origins. I am thinking of producing a multi-volume treatise that shows how we can determine with a mathematical certainty that the JW's are still 26% Adventist. I'm kidding, of course, but this should give you a sense of how important I think it is to continue my Russell/Rutherford studies. (Just in case that was ambiguous, I mean that I don't think it's important at all. I think that doctrinal error must have had almost nothing to do with why I myself left. For me it was a matter of honesty.)

    The best thing my Russell studies ever did for me was to help me develop a friendship with Percy Harding, a good friend of mine who was well over 90 when he died. He was disfellowshipped for "apostasy" and my brother's best friend was in his congregation. This friend's wife was an RN and volunteered as his nurse. She the RN was threatened (by Harry Peloyan) with disfellowshipping if she continued to help Percy. I risk shaming her further by telling the story --she is already terribly ashamed of this-- but she was convinced to leave this old man to fend for himself: a man with a great mind and spirit, but who had little physical strength, no money, and, suddenly, no friends.

    We visited him weekly during his final years. He had been a colporteur under Russell. He loved the visits. (Visiting also meant some cooking, cleaning, etc.) He enjoyed finally discussing those early years with someone who understood the negative side, too. He understood the perils of organization. He was finding a measure of joy in a newfound freedom of speech despite the cruelty of the JWs -- and specifically the cruelty of the esteemed Harry Peloyan, henchman. He, Percy, actually gave me his entire Wt publications library which seemed to contain at least one of every book and mag as far back as they went. I didn't take it, but it finally ended up in much better hands anyway. (Ray Franz has most, if not all, of them.)


    Edited by - Gilgamesh on 24 December 2002 14:53:39

  • SixofNine


  • SixofNine
    I wonder how everyone will accept a policy/profile that identifies the duplicates. I ran across quite a few examples where I thought the duplicate name was obvious and perhaps just there to get past a posting limit.

    But there were some names where apparently, a person wished to keep a specific focus and reputation attached to a certain name, and it might have caused problems if he had been forced to use that same name to make posts on unrelated issues.

    I've said this publicly before: I only use the name "Unmitigated Gaul" to annoy the French.

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