I find it interesting that you perceive me as spending too much time wittering about nothing. That's the exact opposite that I've be en told my entire life. ;-)
Well, there you go, yet another person who takes what happens in real life more seriously than what happens on a discussion forum. Congratulations.
I take it you're more of a Renaissance man than a Romantic?
John, I am just me.
On fluff: Threads which require little thought have a place on any discussion forum. When they become more plentiful than they should, they alter the tenor of a discussion Board.
On 'serious' threads: So many of the half-baked, semi-analysed, philosophically inept posts that clutter even serious threads would not have been posted in the past because posters knew that they would be adroitely challenged by those who knew better. So we all thought much more carefullly about what we posted, read other posts VERY carefully before responding to them and in this way the intellectual tone of the Board was elevated.
Those who were loathe to join threads as they were unsure of their viewpoints tended to remain in reading mode until they felt confident enough to make a defense of their views. These days people seem to just doodle and post whatever comes into their heads on a matter with little thought as to whether what they have posted even makes any sense.
I suppose if a person is looking for a place to 'hang out', with minimal challenges to their intellect, then this Board might suit them for a while. But I suspect that the posts most read by lurkers are the very opposite of the ones that do not challenge ones thinking. Those who wish to 'support' and 'lift up' other posters should dwell on this for a while. Its implications are important.
On spelling and grammar: Yes, I am the first to admit that these days I seldom if ever check grammar and spelling before I post. Frankly, it seems a waste of additonal effort. I have a Degree with Honors in English, so I suppose that I should be ashamed, but I am not.