I buy you a coffee and then get all this. That is what I call a cheap
It just boggles the mind how posters such as "Who Are You" and "Restrangled" can hurl thinly veiled insults at H.S. and then when he calls them on it and returns tit for tat, he is made out to be the vilest of villains, with ridiculous accusations and insinuations being hurled, while the flingers of such excrement chide him and urge him to be "nice" . Disgusting display of hypocrisy at it's finest, IMO.
I think that this is what puzzles me more than anything. These posters just cannot see their own hypocrisy even when it is pointed out in baby steps. And yes, to an honest and 'straight' person it is a disgusting display.
As to JGnat, well, she is a very clued in woman who knows the difference between sentimentality, attention seeking and REAL support. She has dealt and is dealing with more problems than most on this Board and is doing so with dignity and privately. You know a little about suffering without a fanfare too Cog. Good on you both!