Long Intro From A Long Timer

by hillary_step 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    I buy you a coffee and then get all this. That is what I call a cheap date....lol

    It just boggles the mind how posters such as "Who Are You" and "Restrangled" can hurl thinly veiled insults at H.S. and then when he calls them on it and returns tit for tat, he is made out to be the vilest of villains, with ridiculous accusations and insinuations being hurled, while the flingers of such excrement chide him and urge him to be "nice" . Disgusting display of hypocrisy at it's finest, IMO.

    I think that this is what puzzles me more than anything. These posters just cannot see their own hypocrisy even when it is pointed out in baby steps. And yes, to an honest and 'straight' person it is a disgusting display.

    As to JGnat, well, she is a very clued in woman who knows the difference between sentimentality, attention seeking and REAL support. She has dealt and is dealing with more problems than most on this Board and is doing so with dignity and privately. You know a little about suffering without a fanfare too Cog. Good on you both!


  • hillary_step


    Can't agree with you here. Not saying that Hillary doesn't call things as he sees them, which I admire, but the dislike for him by some posters isn't so simple to quantify.

    Problem is John, this 'dislike' is all lost on me as washes over me. I know that you only have my word for it, but I am not a liar. Most of what I 'do' here these days is just entertainment of one sort or the other. I would not be here otherwise.

    Some types of personalities simply don't mesh. Some types of personalities draw polarized responses. Now, before someone says that online personalities aren't relative because they differ from in person personalities, I'll point out that on line personalities is all I'm talking about here, and all that is relevant to the vast majority of posters here.

    You are quite wrong in your analysis here. The majority of posters do do NOT take personalities expressed here as just being 'online'. My oft repeated advise is that this is exactly how they SHOULD take them, but most here take the personalities presented here very seriously. This thread today is an example. Who Are You's thread another. Restrangled's post a perfect example. Bring the Light shaking with rage as his treatment here yet another. And this is just TODAY'S offering.

    I can supply hundreds of examples that prove your summation to be incorrect.


  • hillary_step


    Really sweet heart, I have difficulty belieiving your statements about your wife. Maybe you have been left, and denied and are fighting like a dog...

    lol...before you can try humor to slide your posts on, you must discover wit. Just a little advice. ;)

    I have difficulty belieiving your statements about your wife.

    Then you have called Cognizant Dissonace a liar. I will leave it to her to sort that out. I proved you a hypocrite, she will prove you a liar.

    I am not sure what has happened to you today, distemper playing up?


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    You are quite wrong in your analysis here. The majority of posters do do NOT take personalities expressed here as just being 'online'. My oft repeated advise is that this is exactly how they SHOULD take them, but most here take the personalities presented here very seriously. This thread today is an example. Who Are You's thread another. Restrangled's post a perfect example. Bring the Light shaking with rage as his treatment here yet another. And this is just TODAY'S offering.

    Yes, I agree that people often mentally transpose online personalities for the real people. I did not mean to say they don't. I used a poor choice of words.

    When I say that online personalities are all that are relevant to the vast majority, I mean that online personalities are all most have to go by and are the only contact between posters. Therefore, real personality is not relevant, regardless of what we think we see or know. I'm speaking of actual relevancy, not perceived relevancy. In the end, it may be a moot point anyway. Some say perception is all that matters. But then again, the perception here is based entirely on what we read online.

  • restrangled

    Hillary...all you have to do is be nice. Are you capable of that? take it or leave it. Stop the nasty responses....it does not bode well.



    This thread just gets better....I`m just cracking up!..LOL!!............My God!!..The negative descriptions I read of HS are just soooooooooooo off base..If you actually knew him,you would find it hard not to like him........As for his Mrs,she is a beautiful and nice lady......They are a good match.....................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • restrangled

    Outlaw, I think you might know me pretty well too. I am trying to see what you are refering to although it becomes damn hard when the attacks keep coming from some one who won't just give it up and be nice for one post.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Hillary...all you have to do is be nice. Are you capable of that? take it or leave it. Stop the nasty responses....it does not bode well.

    Please, Restrangled, do show us all how to be "nice". Shall we follow your sterling example?

    As for Mrs. Step. I assure you she is alive and well and still very much enamoured of Mr. Step. I have only seen him treat his wife with the utmost respect and it was very charming to see that old fashioned chivalry is not dead. Many posters could take an example from HS as he has never spoken a disrespectful word against his wife on this forum and I have never seen him do so in public and doubt I ever will. Like I said, a "class act"!


  • JK666


    Didn't your momma teach you that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

    When someone is brutally honest, they are usually more interested in being brutal than honest.

    What I have observed recently, is that you cannot stand it when someone disagrees with your opinion. You fly into ad hominem attacks, making insulting comments about the one that disagrees with you. Are you that insecure that you have to stoop to this level?

    You say that you have an Honors degree in English. I do not doubt that. Please use more civilized methods of communicating your points, or you will lose all credibility with thinking individuals. I too have an honors degree, graduating at the head of my class with a 4.0 GPA. And guess what? It doesn't mean crap here! I respect posters that have never stepped a foot in a college classroom that carry on dialogue with civility, more than a pontificating curmudgeon.

    Now, I am sure that you will tell me everything that you think is screwed up with me, as you have in the past. It is your style, and becoming trite. Those that I care about on this board knows my whole story, and that is where I get my support here. So blather on if you must. But please try to be civil to others on this board.


  • Uzzah

    Ahhhhh I see the Doberman has found another bone. You going to call up Hillary's boss now?

    Restrangled, you have been nasty, HS has responded but in a highly eloquent fashion. I think that is what pisses so many off, HS is a great intellect who is able to clearly articulate thoughts in wriitng without resorting to a plethora of smilies to make a point. People feel dumb by comparison and thus lash out. The same thing happens in Grade school to the brain of the class and some have never matured emotionally since.

    Considering the ilk supporting your attacks/"position" Restrangled, I am more convinced the above is true.


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