Hs I have few Questions for you. You can choose to ignore me as you did on another post.
I seldom ignore posts unless they are so inane that they are unworthy of my keyboard efforts. Take from this reply what you must.
I think your ego is out of control, and I don't need to copy and paste your comments here. You know what they are.
...and I think you are an untalented and pointless fat mouth who thinks that what they say actually carries any weight with me. What I can divulge, as you seem to be so interested in my personality, is that no person who really knows me would recognize me from your comments. Quite the opposite in fact. This makes you presumptous, arrogant and above all a dumbass for trying to 'read' personality from an online forum. It seems that you have neither the experience or the depth of character to be able to do this with any accuracy.
The difference between what I 'think' and what you 'think,' is contained in the word 'think'. Think about it. ;)
I would like to know what happened to the wife that decided over long distance phone calls that you no longer needed to post on this forum?
If this were any of your business, I would gladly inform you. As it is not, you can go whistle in the wind. Again, many people on this Board have met my wife, and those that know, know, that that do not just blow hot air. And you do not know.
Since you decided to post again, 'Why has she never posted here"?
None of your business. Not everybody who leaves the WTS choses to post on this Board, though I doubt that a person of your compromised intellect would understand this.
Is she not allowed to voice her opinion over yours? Is she too frightened or perhaps bullied?
LOL....Ask Cognizant, Belbab, AlanF, Just2Laws, Barbara Anderson, Joe Anderson, Joyzabel, Duncan, JapanBoy and many others who have met my missus if they think my wife is abused or scared to voice her You really are a dumbass.
Most women in this day and age speak there mind.....why has your wife not? confound your own blatant and unapologetic stupidity. Please read the above
No need to get nasty..
Now this is where yourself and Trevor should learn lessons. You came on this thread and insulted me VERY nastily. You are a hypocrite Restrangled. Take responsibility for your own words and GROW UP!